Dec 14, 2005 19:55
I want Nine Inch Nails real bad.
School is going to make me go crazy.
All my classes are so hard right now.
Death Cab is amazing.
Thumbs down to Christmas concerts.
Soooooooo Christmas is approaching. I don't like Christmas much. I still have to do most of my shopping. Boo. And I have no idea what my mom get me for Christmas. Boo.
English class sucks real bad. I have a precis due Friday. I have to find something to read.
Chemistry also sucks. So I failed that powerpoint assignment. IT WASN'T MY FAULT! We're learning how to do problems that are around 28 points each. Holy shit they're stupid. And I have a 3 page worksheet due tomorrow over things I don't understand.
But...whatever. Only about 5 more days til Christmas break so I'll try to hang in there.
And that's all. I have a ton of homework and things to study for so I'd better go. Laters.