-- twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling entranceWay [EW] --

Apr 15, 2011 16:00

What the hell ihth thith? You're kihdihng. [Hold onto your silly human hats, children. Sollux and his capatchalogued headset will get him some answers from your network in two seconds flat. Because obviously only a primitive, backwards world wouldn't have a network.]

hello what ii2 thii2?
yeah ii kiind of want 2ome an2wer2 now where'2 our great leader kk when ii need hiim?
eheheheh no that wa2 not a friigiin' compliiment.
fuck ii 2hould have fiigured 2omethiing liike thii2 wa2 goiing two happen 2omethiing liike thii2 alway2 happen2.
but no one ever liisten2 w/e you guy2.
now ii'm talkiing two myself thii2 ii2 2tupiid.

entrance post

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