Jan 08, 2008 22:40
I'm back in the swing of things. I've made several New Year's resolutions this year too. Now, I realize that most people find this futile, but in my case, I believe a change was way past due.
To begin with, I let my gym membership lapse. I did this on purpose, b/c I didn't like that gym, and wanted to join a new one. So, now I'm checking one out that is closer to school. Yeah, it's a hike from home, but I'm also joining for the social experience. The Woodbridge Gold's Gym is where all the cool "kids" (read young teachers) hang-out. And though I'd be beyond ecstatic to fit into slimmer jeans, my primary reason for joining a gym is to relieve anxiety. Usually it just rises exponentially. But now, I really feel better.
And I know I"m corny, but I am optomistic about the future this year. Then again, aren't you corny too? Hell, you're part of America that's ga-ga over Obama and his "radical" change idea. I mean, come on, "Change!" That's brilliant! REALLY. SOMEONE DIFFERENT THAN THE IDIOT IN OFFICE NOW. WHAT A CONCEPT.
BUT pay no attention; that's the old cynical me speaking. She's just unhappy and wants to thwart BOs efforts to make America Camolot again. Shame on me.
So thinking in this vein, caught between optimistic me, who is an adrenaline-junky, and old pessimistic me, who well, hates everything except all out rebellion, I was trying to figure out why I didn't like Obama and wanted Hillary to win. (Well, it's not that I don't like Obama. I mean, how could you not like Obama? It's just that my sympathy resided with Hil.) Here's my analyzes of my pro-Hillary past.
1. I love the 90s, so I'd love to bring back the Clinton years. Yes, I know that technically I spent the 90s as a confused, overwhelm adolescent. But I was a confused adolescent with purple hair and a keg party. Awe, good times! (Ok, rational me don't tell stuck in 1999 me that having a Clinton in the White House won't magically transport me back to my college years. Shush. There are some political secrets, the public just isn't ready for.)
2. A woman in the White House- that is just cool. Yeah, I know Hillary was technically already in the White House, but this time, Bill would be First Lady and that's just awesome! I mean, it was novel enough to have a woman president the premise of a really bad TV show starring Gena Davis. And, no surprise, the story was bad. So...women in the White House, ex prez as the First Lady? That's a better TV show, see because we get to see Bill Clinton as First Lady. LOL. It's either a feminist revolution, or just a great premise. YOU DECIDE AMERICA!
3. Hillary kind of looks like me. Yeah, an older, more serious, pant-suit wearing me, but a possible me none-the-less. (For the record, I still look much more like Alyson Hannigan.)
4. And here's the kicker.- I just thought it would be more fair (fairer?, equitable, let's call it that.) Maybe the Barrack thing just seems too much like a popularity contest to me, and well, I never really won those. Like way back in elementary school, I had this idea to run for class president. Okay, first I had this idea of having a class president. But did that make me a shoe-in. NO. Not at all. Toni Ann Parisi won. Why wouldn't she? (Now, my fellow classmates from Washington School, if you are reading this- realize that I am not still mad at Toni Ann, but I will certainly pretend to be, if it makes me ironic point.) I lost! But how could that be! It was my election! It was my race! I designed the GD class election! It was mine! (See, I have unresolved anger.)
Now, Along with my whole "Change in 2008" personal campaign (Hey, did you all notice that it's spelt like champaign?) I realize what America has realized; that I don't like Hillary. No, offense Hillary. I like what you are trying to do for America, but it's just that you seem upset. Upset about the losing, upset about the upset. Upset perhaps, because in every picture the media shows of you, you look like an angry old crone? Hummm..I feel your pain.
But, Hil, I'm sorry, this is the Aquariess 2008. I simply find it a joy-kill to try to figure you out- why America hates you, why America hates women, yada yada yada.
I'm great in 2008! I'm all for CHANGE! I love OBAMA! I'm all for having him in the white house...then stalking Pennsylvania Avenues...and maybe blowing him kisses...but that's as far as I'll concede. GO CHANGE!