Apr 30, 2008 22:39
Enter the rant.
I recently discovered through the joys of livejournal that a previous acquaintance has gotten either herself, or her girlfriend pregnant. Regardless of whoever is having the spawnling I am agog at the extreme badness of the idea. I find their pregnancy a message to what is wrong with people who parent today.
As you might of noticed, both of the people in this relationship are women. Which means of course that the pregnancy could not have been an accident. So, they CHOSE this pregnancy. SOUGHT it out. Gah. Now before everyone jumps on my head about not being supportive of LGBT relationships let me assure you that this isn't the case. I don't give a flying fuck that they are lesbians. Lesbians make great mommies. However, I know one of these soon to be mommies and her complete lack of maturity freaks me the fuck out. Furthermore, she is the most selfish person I know, and I know SOCIOPATHS more aware of other peoples needs than her. I wonder how that is gonna work with a kid. I know neither of these proto-parents have well paying jobs, though that really isn't the issue. The issue is that she is completely unfrugal with her money. In fact she recently went through a bankruptcy. Now she wants a kid?!? To quote one of my favourite bloggers, "If you purposely have a child that you cannot afford, you are a child abuser."
I cannot agree with this statement more.
Love your children more than that. Love them enough to work your ass off to create the most optimal home situation you are capable of creating before bringing them into the world. Love them enough to want to start them off in life ready to race, as opposed to starting them off ten steps behind all the other kids.
Throwing caution to the wind and attempting to conceive despite your poor financial position is indicative of a childlike mentality. Love your child enough to wait until you’re an adult who is emotionally mature enough to raise him.
I know people have this drive to have children because they are in LOOOVVVEEEEEEEEOMGWTFBBQ!!@o2p12jone, but that is incredibly shortsighted. Though I can't say I am surprised that she is that short-sighted. This is a woman who married a guy and then got mad at HIM because he was sad that she discovered she was a lesbian. I would like to sit back and watch this like it is the greatest soap opera ever but I can't help feel bad for whatever they spawn. I have need to work on not caring so much. When I care about things I can't keep my mouth shut.