Sep 17, 2011 15:56
So this week I:
*** spent far too much time screaming at my phone for constantly logging me out of Twitter
*** spent far too much time on Twitter spazzing with fellow #Spiritualists about our show
*** felt rather guilty about how this has affected my pagecount at work
*** finished Montgomery Clift: A Biography by Patricia Bosworth
*** started Villette by Charlotte Bronte
*** bought far too much music cos apparently all my favourite people are suddenly releasing new albums and I've finally got around to buying albums by people I want to investigate. Ergo: new St Vincent album in digital form, new Lindsey Buckingham album in hard copy, the Active Child album cos Triple J got me interested, and if I could get my hands on the new Gary Numan album, I'd be spinning that too.
*** have discovered IAMX and Sneaker Pimps thanks to #Spiritualists and our awesome taste in music
*** just cleared up --- note: not cleaned --- the studio and discovered all sorts of goodies I'd forgotten about, Parisian and otherwise
*** am currently wearing a soft floppy blue crocheted beret the Aunt brought me back from Paris which, omg, with the new hair makes me look unbearably cute. Eek!
*** is feeling much much more proactive now that the studio looks tidier
*** may even write this coming week, zomg.