out of this cold, i need some warmth

Sep 06, 2011 20:25

All right, haha. Another super weird coincidence for the annals, only this time of the fannish variety. Which admittedly only one person on my flist will appreciate but it's worth it for the record.

Spent half the day being quite mad in spirited_w about tomorrow's episode and speculation thereof. When I finally tore myself from the laptop to go return my DVDs, I caught sight of my phone-on-silent flashing.

Turns out Arsehole Guy Supervisor has put me out at Penrith tomorrow. When he knows full well it's ridiculously far and pretty damned expensive and kind of a waste of time for me to get to. I was so furious I didn't reply, fumed all the way to the video store and back. Even stroking the furry wall edition of Get Him To The Greek only helped for a few seconds.

When I get home, I have to look up the goddamned address of the Penrith court house, don't I? And find out how the fuck to get there.

Turns out ... Penrith Court House happens to be on Henry Street.

I laughed out loud and felt a bit better. Then went to find out how to get from my place to Henry Street.

CityRail info told me to catch a bus from near Mallett Street.

At that point, I stopped laughing and went rather wide-eyed. Cos yeah, I forgot that I live near Mallett Street. *lol* I almost never catch the bus from there cos it's on Parramatta Road when I far prefer to catch the 470 from the shops.

How fitting that my first visit out to Henry Street should be the very day that Spirited airs. Not the first episode, admittedly, or even the last. But still. Could have been any of the other two days of week I work.

And oh yeah, I just remembered. When I was getting dressed to go out this evening, out of my whole non-novel playlist, Only Dreaming starts playing. Mmmpf.

universe being weird, telly, work

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