late in the evening i sing in your dreaming

Jun 15, 2011 23:26

You know those days when it seems like every song on your playlist reminds you so hard just why you love it, that particular one, those particular words, that particular turn of phrase, that ache, that melody? And you're falling into the depths of the song with this sort of wonder that it still rings so true to you, watching the colours go past you, upwards into light as you fall into deeper light and deeper emotion, truer and truer and ah god truth really is beauty sometimes. most times. And it happens with one song, then you relax, then the next one begins and you're quietly firmly seized and taken soaring again, and then relax, and then again until you just have to catch your breath and go "Fuck me, my music!"

Yeah, I'm having one of those evenings. And nah, Tim's the very least of it. Although yes, I am feeling the particular beauty of how can my giving find the rhythm and the tide of you unless you sing your song to me? *sigh* Such a great line rendered even more sumptuous and lovely by his deliberately spaced out phrasing ... 's why I --- and I'm sure quite a lot of Buckley fans --- have an insane fondness for Danang rather than Love From Room 109 At The Islander (On Pacific Coast Highway) seriously Timothy could that title be any longer?! *wheezes* Even though Danang does end up on Happy Sad as part of *waves feebly at longass song title*

No. This is not going to be yet another homigodTimBuckleyissoamazing post.

It's Kate Bush's Never Be Mine, Pink Floyd's Astronomy Domine, Gary Numan's Absolution, Tears For Fears' Raoul And The Kings Of Spain --- god, the words of that song always make my hair stand .. to find yourself feeling the truth of did you know all mothers come from heaven? did you know all fathers come from hell? that is why they're at sixes and sevens, that is why their marriage isn't well and the way he sings it ... gah! *shudders* ... even though yes, I always snort and think "yeah, other way around here, Roland" --- and that eerie haunting refrain from Madama Butterfly's Bel Di Vedremo in Sarah Brightman's It's A Beautiful Day. And last night I had a bit of a similar moment with Monster Love and Cologne Cerrone Houdini cos it turns out when I got this new laptop and copied my music over, somehow Goldfrapp's Seventh Tree got left behind. *boggles*

I seem to be feeling my music a lot at the moment. Last night I finished up The Wee Free Men and it seemed like I cried a lot harder at the point I always cry. I don't know, this doesn't feel like a bad thing. It doesn't feel like I've gotten to the point of hurting with all the stimuli the world seems to be throwing at me. I'm kinda wondering why. Maybe it's the hair lopped off and feeling free again. Maybe it's the fact that the studio looks quite spacious and relatively tidy for once. Maybe it's the writing.

You know, my iPod is called 'blue melody' ... hee hee hee. I couldn't resist. It is blue and I got it just before I got this album. And ohjesus beautiful chanteuse Timothy Buckley doing his torch song thing. Oh look this became one of those posts after all.

No, tonight I also got totally grabbed by a song off Stevie's new album and I don't know the title at all because I couldn't be arsed getting out of bed to check the display. But god, it has this beautiful turn of melody and this one absolutely skewering line that makes my skin go cold every time she sings it. And I think Dave Stewart (who co-produced the album) may be the male voice on it so maybe it's the title track, In Your Dreams. Okay, now I have to find out.

*opens up iTunes, scrolls*

NO! No, it's actually called Everybody Loves You and I know that without even listening to it because that's part of the skeweriffic line. Oh god. So tempted to upload it now but no, I should wait for the 25th of July. *grinds teeth*

I have to say I fucking loathe the song she does with Lindsey. Even though it absolutely melts me to hear him and how his voice has changed a little, it makes me see a particular shade of red because it's part of the whole Stevie loves the armed forces, Stevie weeps for all soldiers, Stevie is so sensitive and so patriotic ouevre. I can never decide whether it's the ultimate gimmick or whether it's genuine sentiment from her but either way it makes me want to throw up repeatedly.

Don't fucking glorify soldiers to me, all right? Not in this day and age when we know exactly what war entails and what the psychological fallout is. I find it utterly sinister and abhorrent that anyone would choose to give their entire life and ego and mind over to institutionalised violence in this day and age. Ha, so Aquarian. I always think there's something seriously fucked there and yeah, one of our cousins just proved it by fleeing her absolutely horrific family to join the army. I was so not surprised, it made total sense. Was either that or drugs, I reckon. Not that the two are necessarily exclusive. *snort*

So yeah, feeling that way as I do makes that particular song an instant skip for me. Yah, no thanks, Stevie. Love you but no fucking way am I stomaching that again. I took it once when I was too young to know any better and even then it made me queasy. Bugs me that Lindsey happens to be on only that one. Oof.

I'm finally in the last act of The Five Gates Of Hell and all the threads are looping now, tightening around in that way Rupert did so well in Death Of A Murderer. As we inch steadily towards the big horrific showdown, suddenly I find myself so sad for Jed, feeling this sense of loss for all the other ways he could have gone. I didn't even think I liked him all that much ... but ha. Ain't over yet. Y'never know until the end, do you? I don't trust writers to proceed along conventional lines and I'd trust Rupert even less. *nods, taps nose*

Today was quite an interesting day. I was working on four hours of sleep because I am a complete ass and part of me was kinda dreading how that would manifest in the transcribing. As it is, I started half an hour later than usual cos of a message I was typing out on the phone so I intended to work back the half hour. But jesus, come 5pm and I totally fucking hit the wall. The talking in my ear literally ran together and became mush and gibberish. All of a sudden I had no idea what the fuck that lawyer just said and it was like this great big sign dropped in front of me: Go Home Now, dri.

I obeyed.

But yeah, before that the work was interesting cos the lawyers were completely confusing on this particular case as to who they were actually representing. It was driving me nuts but in this great "This is brilliant, I've never had something this intricate and challenging and see, now he's said something different so I have no idea now who he's for" way. And the lunchroom chat turned into this hilariously spoilerrific discussion of telly shows cos turns out our ops manager likes to watch whole television shows in one go too and he's currently looking for a new one to get into, a nice long one. He ended up totally spoiling me for House which I've been meaning to go back to for ages and just haven't but then I confessed I did know about the Cuddy thing only because I've been waiting for it for ever. And they were talking about homoerotic male starring roles and then he said maybe he'd go back to Supernatural and I thought "Should I? Am I going to? Yeah, what the hell, let's scare the heterofanmanchild."

Yep. I told him about Wincest. There was a silence that went for a few too many seconds. Mwahahahahahaaa.

Took my exhausted self to Newtown after work, dreading the long wait at the bus stop for the fucking370busofdoooooooom. I was thinking moodily about how I probably spend more time at that fucking bus stop outside the Marly than I spend actually enjoying myself in Newtown with people. But clearly the universe took pity on me cos I hopped off the bus, went into Mag Nation --- thank fuck everything in Newtown stays open a little later --- and the rather sweet redhead guy gave me the voucher but no envelope so I went a few doors down and this lovely girl at Modern Times found me this glittery purple envelope that fit the voucher perfectly. So I had completed my quest in like fifteen minutes flat and then voila within five or eight minutes the 370 swished up.

I felt quite blessed. And rather fond of all those lovely shabby Newtown people who clearly have more going up in their heads that they couldn't be bothered spending too much time on their clothes. It's that certain aesthetic I fucking adore about the inner west. People who dress with personality and not necessarily flamboyance.

Did some grocery shopping, zomg, cos I had run out of tuna and toilet paper, and went into the Awesome Video Store to show them my new hair. Happily, the Leo lady was there and her hair is even curlier than mine and she was all "I'm trying to grow my hair and you went and cut yours?!" Heh.

Yeah, only one person at work noticed my new hair. I'm amazed I'm not more insulted by that -- at Rehame I would have thrown a tantrum .. but then at Rehame, everyone noticed everything because we were all in the trenches together --- but actually it just makes me smile rather indulgently cos that's transcribers for you. Walk around in a daze, probably walk into walls too. Christ knows I walked right into a pole at the bus stop after I finished work. The people on the passing bus must have had a good laugh.

Was this entry mundane enough? Only just. :p

Yeah, no writing happened last night even though I only went to bed around four, even though I read over the past few scenes, startling myself with my own laughter. They're so wicked, those two, their banter. Fucking love it.

Which is why I really need to go to bed before midnight tonight. Will be a long fucking night tomorrow. Need sleep!

music, house, writerly wankery, guilty pleasures, spn, kt, books, buckingham, tff, telly, numan, rkb, buckley, floyd, goldfrapp, rupert thomson, pratchett, nicks

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