your story, they told me the same

Mar 03, 2009 16:13

Before I forget ... awesome bits of Frasier Season Ten cos it turns out I've only ever seen two of these episodes.

In no particular order:

*** the camera! ZOMG! See, this is prolly why I love this show so much cos I tend to have an equally elevated opinion of my own intellect like Frasier and Niles and ergo my sense of humour should be equally refined too, right? Wrong. Proof? The fact that their reactions to the blinding camera flash made me laugh so hard I ended up half off the bed, doubled up and gasping, and had to skip back on the DVD because I missed so many lines. Physical comedy For The WIN! sometimes.

*** Nanny!Niles meeting Frasier!Niles zomg! I squeeed my head off. So okay, it was only one scene and prolly a handful of lines but omg Daniel! I so need to kick my video store into getting the rest of that series. One day when I'm a very famous very rich very intellectual and snobbish Author, I shall own the entire run of The Nanny on DVD. *nods nods* Jyup!

*** Elvis Costello --- even though I have absolutely no knowledge of his music but prolly will some ten years hence --- being slightly obnoxious and adorable and singing Rolf Harris in Cafe Nervosa! *fizzles wif giggles*

*** Niles' absolutely marvellous theory about hospitals containing all of life, past and future. Bloody marvellous episode, from a writer perspective as well as a fan. I was so distressed for Niles it was almost like actual nausea. But man, what an absolutely excellent episode with that most excellent thing Daphne said about not being able to think about the future, and the way they did the flashbacks in the rooms and then to end on that brilliant flash forward. Holy fuck. I bow down. I hope that episode won an Emmy or something.

*** Aww Lilith. Lilith finding loff twu loff with Data Brent Spiner. It's true, they totally are a match made in melanin-deprived heaven. Awwww. I hope it's a happy ever after for her.

*** Niles saying Daphne's name over and over again, all loopy on the anaesthesia. *sniffle*

*** Frasier's lovely bar mitzvah speech for Frederick even though it was in Klingon. Awwww.

*** Daphne torturing Martin in the name of physical therapy. God, they're so awesome together.

*** Niles mincing/shuffling/squiffling along in his mummy!wrap. Oh fuck, brain spasm of hysteria.

*** Roz coming soooooooooo close to realising she's the one for Frasier! *wail*

*** Felicity Huffman --- even though I don't watch Desperate Housewives --- being a total bitch as Julia even though you totally know they're gonna get it together. God, it was magnificent to watch them. Nice twist on the give Frasier a love interest every season thread.

*** ALAN CUMMING AS THE YOGA INSTRUCTOR! Okay, it was only two scenes but I had absolutely no idea he was going to appear so I was lying on my side, watching quietly then bolted upright and scrabbled closer to the television, squealing (quietly so I could hear what he was saying). And what was particularly cool/eerie? Having Alan Cumming on my television moving and talking yes, thank you, Nik with a picture of the very same Alan Cumming sitting atop my television. And he did such a deliciously lewd job of feeling up Niles and feeling up Daphne. Hee Alan. *claps wif glee*

Final season to go. I'll get that tomorrow but won't be able to finish it til ... Sunday arvo. But sokay, it shall be worth the wait. I know enough to know what happens with Daphne but I can't remember or don't know what happens to anyone else. Hee.

Also? It's amazing what a long shower and the scent of magnolia will do for my mood.

music, cumming, telly

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