God, I hate Unwired. It turns uploading the song(s) of the day into a dread nightmare and has pretty much put me off turning the laptop on. And cuts into my sleep time. Fucking Unwired.
But I succumbed to the totally unsurprising temptation and bought another Heyer today. Arabella cos it turns out I haven't read that one. Between Venetia and Frederica, no wonder I was confused. Heh.
Vastly amusing, this one, and a damned awesome plot. I was a bit underwhelmed by the naivete of our heroine until she ran into our hero and holy god, the way she fired up was something awesome to behold. Too too awesome.
And the way Heyer writes children and animals just makes me want to clutch her feet and sob total worship. God, imagine if she'd written children's lit! Although it was curious that for the first time I could actually pick out phrases or sentences that were identical to Austen. Don't know if that's Heyer's fault or Andrew Davies' BBC adaptation or Nick Dear's film adaptation --- one word, one look from Persuasion --- or actually Austen. Postmodernism for the argh!
The great thing is I'm alternating Heyer with Pratchett so either way I laugh out loud at some point. Which is not to be underestimated. I've got my eye on These Old Shades and Devil's Cub next. Or The Masqueraders. Help me. don't help me.
Of course after enthusing so highly about Borders, I went to investigate Dymock's Heyer stock and really? It was a completely undignified squeak I made at the sight of a shelf and a half of Heyer novels all in that pretty style. *sigh* Demon books.
I'm kinda over working five days a week. Had my writing journals in my bag all week but been at the tribunal all week which means I'm far more exposed and cannot tune right off as I do in my favourite jurisdiction where the desk is protected from view. So right now I'm chafing at not being able to take those two days off so I can hurl myself into the novel. Bored, you see? And badly wanting to be doing something. But, to look on the bright side, I won't have to work five days for much longer. I hope.
And it was very much a girls' day between chatting with the Gorgeous Graphic Designer Girl, the girl I trained and then managing to have lunch with the Gorgeous Gemini Girl. Very quick half an hour in the extremely noisy and crowded food court beneath Myer where we both had the Bondi burger from oPorto's and caught up on what little's been happening in our respective lives. She always has the most shocking secrets to impart, other people's secrets I mean. And I'm always torn between delight and horror. In the end, the sheer delight of having my perception of someone changed always wins out.
Meanwhile, I'm still listening only to Pnau on the iPod. Slightly shamed about that. But the sound just works, man. Angstfree and relentless energy. It works.