Aug 24, 2008 20:44
Gotta love it when watching Some Like It Hot sends you to Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and then on to Moulin Rouge and realising you never ripped both albums of that soundtrack to iTunes.
Such an excellent soundtrack.
Such an excellent movie. Even if just the opening chords of certain songs make me want to burst into tears.
Ah Baz. I'll wait for Australia to come to DVD, thank you.
I wonder if I can track down the original Diamonds track cos man, I love those lyrics. It really is empowerment, isn't it? In a slightly morally suspect way ...
Poor Jane Russell. She's so totally overshadowed and she knows it. I never realised what an odd face she has, almost like a man as my Granny would say, such a tiny mouth with that large large jaw. I must check out some of her other stuff.
*squints, wanders off*
aussie film