People who have an external locus of control tend to assign responsibility for what happens in their lives to fate or luck; influences outside their governance. They'll say things like 'what will be, will be' or 'It's in the lap of the gods' and in many aspects of their life they'll abdicate responsibility altogether because they believe they're not in charge, so why bother?
On the other hand, people who have an internal locus of control believe they are responsible for pretty much everything that happens in their life and that through hard work, discipline and focus they can achieve their goals. It'll probably come as little surprise to you that people with an external locus of control, on the whole, tend to suffer more from depression, which is a result, I'd wager, of them feeling like they have no say in steering the ship of their lives.
--- p20, Building A Better Bloke, Sam de Brito.
I have heard that before but it was good to be reminded.
Was reading this before writing group on Friday and got a very puzzled reaction from the two men who turned up. "Er, why are you reading this?"
My answer: "
Have you noticed who wrote it?" And then I had to explain even further and was met with even more puzzlement. *sigh*
Mind you, I am so not getting rid of my king single bed, thank you very much.