Okay, so no one's noticed that I have a slight INXS obsession at the moment, right? *shifty eyes*
Good. Good.
Cos I only went and bought the 2 DVD special edition version of all the music videos which yes I already own in NTSC DVD format for to cap all those incredibly incredibly omigodhowcanonepersonbesohot Hutch moments.
And it is really not fair that the freaking resolution is so freaking crap on my favourite INXS video! *wails* What's the bloody point of releasing all the videos on DVD if you're not gonna remaster the visual quality, man??
Oh well. At least my second favourite video is capping reasonably well ...
Mmm yeah ... cos I'm not sleepin' ...
Gah. Bloody how did anyone actually survive before the days of DVD mastering and all that other fooferah that results in iconisable caps?
Never the mind. Give thanks I actually get to see the Hutch!shimmy. Holy hell. *fans self*
aaaaaarrrrrggggggghhhhh ... *falls over*
And this next series of caps would be my favourite moment in the Suicide Blonde video:
She really does have his smile. It's quietly disturbing and heartwrenching and yet sorta reassuring at the same time. He has a child and she lives and ... that's something. I'm glad she was born before ... everything. I'm glad he had that chance.
And now I'm going to go to bed before I spend hours capping every single pec-and-crotch shot *drooolllll* of Disappear. Aaargrraaahhh.
Carry on.