
Jun 21, 2006 22:14

Dear St George Internet Banking ---

Please allow me to pay my rent.

You fuckwit service.

dri trying most diligently to be a diligent tenant


Had a mildly vexatious day but a rather lovely evening at Petersham Bowling Club. That's pretty much the summation of my day. No writing done hence the vexation.

On a happy note though, the Aunt is in Belgium, possibly buying me and Z and Ari huge slabs of chocolate right now. Oh yis. One must look on the bright side, y'ken.

And I get to sleep in for an extra half hour tomorrow. W000ttt! No, srsly. That's my idea of a weekday sleep-in. Half an hour. Which reminds me: did I mention that last Saturday I went to bed at two in the morning and woke up at four thirty the next evening? I know, Circadian rhythms totally whacked out. D'you know, they might be a complete invention? That really startles me, I've always fully believed in the concept of Circadian rhythms and taken some sort of care not to fuck them up too much. Ha, yeah right, hello person who stayed up all of Christmas Eve night watching Middlemarch and then tottered blearily off to an all-day family gathering.

And now I'm rambling and shall to bed. You know there are moments of unutterable loveliness on this album? Yes, indeed.


Dear St George Internet Banking ---

Thank you. Please don't do that again. I've always loved you guys and thought myself very lucky to have you. I don't like to be narky with you.

I love y'all again.

dri who is totally a diligent tenant

rufus, techie

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