Jan 05, 2006 21:09
Bah I want a moodtheme.
I'd have Trez natch and have actually uploaded one but damnit, I love him but it doesn't help that he possibly has only three expressions - giggly, grim and growly. Also since my icons are predominantly male, I feel the need for a female moodtheme. Angie? Naaaaaaaaaahhhh ... Alison? I'd have to make my own and she's also slightly Trez when it comes to facial expressions. Pattern, what pattern, I see no pattern. *cough*
Kate. I would love a Kate Hepburn moodtheme and if I find one, oh man that'd be awesome. Chances? Not good, I'd think. And I realise this would be so so easy if I owned a couple of Kate DVDs. *eyes video store* Maybe tomorrow.
Have gotten into a nasty habit of sleeping til about half past three in the afternoon this past week. Oh that's going to hurt when I get back to work, whenever that is. Today I hunted down a certain kind of brush, found tonnes more and have spent a verrah productive and slightly smug hour or so converting them to GIMP format. Love that empowered feeling when there are new brushes in the dialog box.
Also the Aunt has signed me up to unlimited dial-up. Unlimited hours, unlimited download, five hour session limit, 20 minute time-out. For 4.95 a month. We're testing it out now cos if it flies, man, that would be So Fucking Awesome.
... and I am still inside you ... I don't know whether to be disturbed at how often this phrase crops up across the span of Nine Inch Nails lyrics or whether to be disturbed that I'm not more disturbed about that. *squints* That makes sense if you stand on one foot, tilt your head and close one eye.
Back into the Tower of Trez Iconage.
Stephen Fry rocks. Everyone knows this, right? Roight!
Because Paperweight is not meant to be read in one sitting --- he said, I didn't! I was gonna read it in one sitting --- I'm alternating with a Nick Hornby called A Long Way Down. It's about suicide and oh fuck I love Nick Hornby. Nobody nails a character's voice as well as he does, bar certain Smallville Lex fandom writers. He does it with such effortless skill that you can't even see him in the narrative. Truly the invisible author, that is Too Fucking Awesome. So it's a slightly bizarre extreme to go from Stephen Fry whose voice resounds in my head when I read him --- I can even hear his pauses and his inflections --- to Nick Hornby who's just not there.
Schizoid, me? Nevah!