Humphrey Bogart

Dec 02, 2004 02:07

Lately I've been thinking that there might need to be some sort of limit as to how many gay men are in my life. I love my gay friends, but why are they almost all gay men? Tonight I made a new friend, sort of, and he was really cool. He also happens to be very gay. I don't mind. I love him for just being himself and such...but I'm beginning to miss straight guys. The stupidity, the raunchiness, the lack of grace...

Sometimes events are inconsequential.

Tonight I realized why I keep getting bored and have been feeling a bit purposeless and unfulfilled. I need a project. Or projectS. A group project- like building a treehouse and then putting together a fake-elitist club called "The Rainbow Pony Magic Dance Squad" or something like that.

I'm in the process of making some cool new friends. I need to expand my horizons. The new Tolley 1st kids are swell! I'd especially like to thank Mandy for her patronage as a cool person...yeah. And I want to be friends with Leah and Lauren and those 2 random girls whose room I walked into and they had cool posters and were watching a film about the 70's...dig it.

Tonight I half decided to forget about Yogesh. Who am I kidding. This could be a forced crush, though he is beautiful.
Then I found out that he was chillin' in the UC and I might've actually have the chance to sit and talk to him casually....
But it was almost 1am and I wasn't in the mood for, ya know, socializing. I'd love to just have an opportunity like that fall into my lap though.

Sometimes I worry about my friends. That's right you friends out there! I worry for your health.

I also like puppies and would like a baby pug to appear on my door step. And by doorstep I mean...yeah, wait no. More like right inside my room. What would I name him/her? Jeffrey.

No, maybe not.

I want to skip holiday ball and stay at my great aunt's apartment in NYC this weekend.
Maybe I will.
I need a change of scenery.
I miss Nicole Hughes. Nicole- if you're reading this, I want you to show me all of your favorite hang outs. Perhaps there is a jazzy, underground, Beatnik cafe somewhere near your school. Bring me there, and I swear, to surely let down my long dark hair. If a bear, should greet us there, then we'll pay for his cab fare.
OMG I love poetry SO much.
*snap* *snap*
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