I'm back, god this is going to be long.

Aug 14, 2005 15:40

My typing is slightly better than it was last night as I am not so tired so I guess it is time to write all that I have been up to for the last three week (it doesn't seem that long, although it seems a long time, all at once). Well I was on my archaeological dig. I found a whole roman knife by my self (shortly before I was about to mattock through it and lots of charcoal and burnt daub). It's a romano-british site so you don't expect to get much more since they used alot of natural materials. Plus, the soil was apparently very acidic so it was a surprise that even metal survived that well.

I met lots of people from around the world. Alot of the people from the field school were American or Canadian some of the people on the training excavation were also. I suppose I'm going to have to go through everyone, that was interesting otherwise I shall forget them all. I also like writing about peoples characters there are some that I so wanted to steal them for characters for stuff but thats a bit evil anyway people are just interesting in general. I'll start off with the people that I got to know the best and work my way outwards.

Chris- He was only really there for the first week but he was such a nice guy. He had aspergus (spell?) syndrome but you would not have known it. He's really battled it. He was responsible for guiding us down to the local pub (2 miles away through woods and country lanes). He was really good at pool and kicked the arse of everyone in the pub and on the dig. He'd been to the dig the year before (thus the guiding us everywhere). He helped me put up my tent which deserved much nice comments in itself). Unfortunatly he collapsed on the first thursday after going out drinking down the pub (I was on washing up rota so couldn't go) and suffered from head pains. He was going to stay on for a second week but decided against it. Everyones hoping for news as to how he's doing.

Meri- He had a long welsh name that I couldn't pronounce let alone spell so we all called him Meri or Long hair (due to the fact he had shoulder length hair). Lovely guy again, gets drunk extremely easy. I had to carry him up the hill with Dom, says dude and mate alot, even more so when drunk. He could speak welsh reasonably well.

Aless- Had possibly the most high pitched laugh I have ever heard, mostly caused people to roll over laughing when they first heard it but towards the end you just wanted her to stop. Apart from that she was a lovely girl, very kind and helpful. She's a 2nd year at York uni. Very short. She does LARP (Live Action Roleplay) where she dresses up as a green goblin in pink leather most people took the mick but I though it sounds kind of fun, she plays on the side of evil. She was responsible for flotation while she was there (this is where you put huge soil samples into this oil barrel which has a seive about half way down and a shoot off to the side, the heavy stuff is caught in the seive and the light stuff such as charcoal and roots float off the top) I think she was getting a bit annoyed at getting stuck doing it.

Dave - The guy I spent most of the week with (not in that way...that's just eww). Reminded me lots of Steph's little brother Luke as he is about the same age. He likes surfing and girls (was very happy when I found him some cards with semi-naked surf chicks in Aberystwyth). Was able to twist almost everything round to a dirty comment (long running Steph's hole jokes), a very huggy drunk. Youngest guy to ever get his own trench but I think slightly pissed off that he had to be stuck in one place but was happy to have minions. Going to fence for England at the commonwealth, likes cricket (someone has to).

Richard- Brother to Welsh Jon who will be mentioned in a bit. Adorable guy but also very dirty. I think he was trying to live up to his big brother in a way. Despite being welsh sounded quite posh. Got drunk on 3 beers and had to be carried up the hill by me and Steph. When we'd carried him up to his tent he decided he wanted to go to the toilet so tried to crawl down to the toilets was left collapsed in the middle of the field. I think one of the Americans took him to the toilet and back up again. Doesn't like being told he's wrong which to be honest isn't very often. Has very logical mind so is doing maths, further maths and physics for a-level which is insane.

Dom- Likes Nightwish and Within Temptation and anything that really involves girls in corsets. Is bi and likes everyone to know the fact which is slightly anoying. Very good at drawing sections on the site, so gets to do the really huge ones with the help of minions (like me) who run about with tape measures). Nice guy but slightly freaky and has a tendency to talk to your cheast (even when like me there really is nothing there). Nice guy so seems to get bought drinks by lots of people.

Steph- Fancied by both Richard and Dave which was really sweet since she has a boyfriend. From N Yorkshire and has a really strong accent (I want one). Used to have dreads but now has shortish hair. Has a very dirty mind which you really don't expect from the look of her.

Samurai Dave- Called so because when you put his hair up he did look like a Samurai. Full title Samurai Stonerfuck Dave, christened by himself. Sounded so much like big Ben is was unreal but also reminded me so much of Marcus, he was just one of those vaguely stoned sounding people. If you closed your eyes it was just like you were having a conversation with Ben. Bought up lots of beer from the campsite shop (25 cans I think) and preceeded to drink most of it over the week. Went to download which was "fucking amazing". Thinks System of a Down are Gods.

April- Canadian from Novascotia. Her job is working for a museum, she's going to Spain in a couple of weeks to find Atlantis. She has her own band and they sound so cool, like Within Temptation crossed with Enya. She has cancer, which is really sad. Apparently alot of people where she lives have problems such as cancer but the government aren't willing to help them. She's trying to do as much as possible before she dies cause they reckon she's only got a few years to go. She's having more treatment when she gets back to Canada. She gave me a Canada flag pen and is going to keep everyone updated on how the treatment and stuff is going. Why does such shit stuff happen to such brilliant people. She is sick that people think that all Canadians are really nice people. Hit Benedict over the head with a rolled up newspaper when he kept her up by talking with people on the campsite after she'd told them to shut up cause she really needs her sleep or she gets sick.

Gemma - Hyperactive blonde from Suffolk. Student at Nottingham uni. Likes getting drunk (let me drink most half of her southern Comfort which was a bad idea, won't be doing that again). Decided that she was fed up with being lactose intollerant so age a bowl of whipped cream (which didn't do anything apparently) then bought cheese the next day. Liked to sing in the shower.

James - Another person from Nottingham. Very obviously a surfer, blonde and has a pink beedy necklace. Likes to sing in general and doesn't like silence ie. has to sing to cover it up. Originally thought he was cute but he became an anoyance when he was stuck on a posthole next to me. Part of the Nottingham male trio and seemed to feel that he had to keep up appearences in otherwords be some sort of social leader when he had originally been the quiet one. Convinced me it was a good idea to run up the hill to the campsite (basically because when someone starts running up a hill I feel I have to race them).

Ollie and Adam- The other two of the Nottingham male trio. Sang alot in the shower much to our amusement. Ollie is from Cheltenham, had to work on a trench with him and Jess for a day. They didn't seem to like to do anywork which was kind of anoying. Adam was from Crawley, also did washing up with him, a much nicer guy on his own than with the group.

Jenny - Another northerner. Had to nurse her on the second Newportnight cause she got very sick due to alcohol and we were trying to get her to throw up before we got on the coach. Ended up in my throwing up not her. When we got back I had to fetch water for her in the pitch black. Got stuck on flotation with Welsh Jon for the last week, poor girl.

Jackie- From Nevada. Really nice had extemely curly hair which she kept controlled under a head scarf.

Welsh Jon - Brother of Richard. You cannot phsyically believe he is 23, looks like a hobbit. Walks slightly funny cause he has interlocking rib cage. Nice most of the time but has a really short temper which got shorter as he was stuck on flotation for the last week which meant that he had to work really quickly. Had a reputation of bedding a girl every year but didn't manage this year. Did washing up with me, cue singing of Sesame Street. He also believes that all anoying people should be banned from breeding. Doesn't sound that welsh when sober but gets strong accent when drunk. Scared new people on saturday as he fell asleep in the middle of the road and when they tried to move him he shouted "Do not move me for I do not get cold, I am Jon!".

Mike - Huge Californian from Orange County. Likes to pole dance around the marquee poles. Got an extremely burnt back from working on a trench in the sun with no suncream.

Benedict or Bendydick- The person on site who most people got anoyed with. Goes to Dave's school and Dave doesn't like him that much. Tends to lie alot, got turned down by a girl for sex and then preceeded to brag loudly about how he'd got off with her. Got louder when April told him to be quiet and then told all the new newbies that she was really nasty and that Gemma was 'angry'. Very posh sounding and mostly talked about political views.

Andy Grief - Got own huge trench despite being 19 cause he's been there so damn long. Lovely guy very amusing trench summaries. Managed to make a random child cry during one of them by asking them what they were do listening in. Had to go and grovel to parents. So got reputation for making children cry, some of the other supervisors managed to convince him that he'd thrown a trowel at the child. Gets nervous around kids now, not helped by the fact that a couple of children burst out crying as he walked past them.

Alistair - One of the main supervisors for the main site. Really helpful taught me how to draw sections and plans. Was going out with Kate which was really sweet. Hit a dead mouse 20 metres into a flooded trench with a shovel. Helped to pioneer the most dangerour game of catch ever with Dave, Arran, April, Dom and Me, there were three balls and the aim was to make the catcher get hit with as many balls as possible.

Arran- The other main site supervisor. Liked lots of cool music including Jimmy Eat World (has all the Cds). Had almost bottom length red curly hair which it took him ages to wash. Really friendly and helpful. Through the mouse that Al hit.

I think that's everyone that I got to know well. I still feel like I have missed so much but this should help me to jog my own memory. I have been in the sea twice. At Newport beech the sea was so warm that it was like the mediteranean (I know there are some double letters in there somewhere). It rained lots but the last week was significantly drier, I was able to wear my dress in the evening but I had to usually put on a cardigan latter in the evening. I have drunk more alchohol than I so would normally.

It was luxury waking up in a bed this morning. Everything seems like I just got it, like having perfume and make up and clean clothes. I have been playing on my laptop all afternoon.

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