A Day of Letter Writing
"The art of letter writing has, regrettably, fallen to the wayside in this digital age. We've forgotten the feeling of writing a letter and anxiously waiting days for a reply that was just as lovingly and painstakingly hand written as our normal missive.
That is why, on December 12th, I'd like everyone to take the time to write at least one letter and send it! Send joy to someone's mail box~! It could be to someone from another country, another state, from just down the street, or even someone in your own house if so inclined! The point is just to write a letter and send it! Let's see how many pieces of mail we can get out into the system in one day!
If you are so inclined, take this opportunity to get a bit political too! Write your Congressman about an issue that concerns you (I'm writing in regards to the health of the US Postal Service and the money issues of our government) and SEND IT! Make your words heard \o\"
Event on Facebook by Crystal Burke)
If you would like me to write a letter to you, please copy the following into a comment and submit it after filling out the requested information.
Name: Self explanatory.
Address: Self explanatory. Please include your country if you happen to be living outside of the US.
Form of address: If you would prefer to be addressed by a nickname, rather than your real name. ("Dear ___,")
This post will be screened for the sake of privacy. All information provided will be removed after Dec. 12, unless stated otherwise.
Thanks to everyone who participates. ♥