Sep 19, 2009 16:58
sircrackpot: Yogg is the *only* one I'm worried about
sircrackpot: IE: SAN checks
AquaLion: Yeah
sircrackpot: Vazax isn't too rough
sircrackpot: Hak and Bannter will have a *field day* there
sircrackpot: I still have mana lawlz
AquaLion: Mimiron's the one that worries me, honestly. Yogg, once you get the SAN mechanics, is not *too* bad--and Vezax seems like more of a gimmick than a serious issue. Mimiron has too fucking many phases.
AquaLion: LOL, yeah
AquaLion: (and I know I'm blowing off 'once you get the SAN mechanics'--but ultimately he's a one-main-gimmick fight while Mimiron's got about 5)
sircrackpot: No argument
sircrackpot: The SAN check is *nasty* though
sircrackpot: You turn into a horrible drooling idiot
AquaLion: ...half of us won't be any different
(Note: had the entire guild been together to hear that setup, three people would have put in some form of the punch line before I did.)