May 23, 2009 03:24
So our guild decided it was time to take on Naxx10. (I'd be just as happy staying out of it, myself. WAY too damn long. But I want to see Malygos, so there's not much in the way of choice.)
Most of the puggies who were gonna come along... didn't. So we picked up different puggies. And in we went.
So. Recapping.
Anub'Rekhan. One wipe. (We forgot the adds stack a dot. Out OT was taking 12500 damage every 2 seconds. Yeah.)
Faerlina. Uneventful kill.
Maexxna. About four wipes. (Frenzy sucks.)
Noth. MT healer lagged and wound up locked out. Downed him with no deaths.
Heigan. ...We didn't fight Heigan. (Eight wipes? We can't dance if we want to.)
Patchwerk. Facepulled along with a trash pull. Downed exactly as his berserk timer went off.
Our guild name is Organized Chaos. Any questions?