Jan 20, 2009 05:44
US History, Progressive Era to Great Depression: 8:00-9:15 AM
Contemporary Fiction: 9:30-10:45 AM
Creative Nonfiction: 12:20-1:45 PM
Contemporary Poetry: 3:30-4:45 PM
No classes on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday: FULL OF WIN!
Well, the bad news is, classes have started again. (And I was so busy over break I don't feel like I *had* a break.)
The good news is, my schedule is awesome and all my classes look interesting (and as close to 'fun' as class gets).
The worse news is, that 15 minute gap between my first two classes? Upham to Boyd. (For those unfamiliar with Miami's campus, let me just say I timed myself and it took exactly 15 minutes just to walk between the two buildings.)
The better news is, the prof in that second class doesn't like Boyd either, so he's supposedly going to lobby for a room change. (Actually, nobody likes Boyd, cuz it's in the middle of nowhere.)
The much worse news is, I went to my first day of classes and promptly caught the flu. (Probably related to that brief stretch of below-zero temperatures.)
The much better news... y'know, there's really not any.
So now, having missed my second day of classes, I'm sitting here trying to think of a way to not miss my third, despite the fact that I feel like I've been run over by a truck and have been unable to sleep for more than about 90 minutes at a time all weekend. (Which would be less bad if I could get back to sleep within, y'know, four hours of waking up, but noo.) It's not really working.
In the meantime, I've gone to war with Mom over kleenex, of all things. I was all good and dug a box out of the closet, since I knew I didn't have any downstairs. She promptly sees my box of kleenex and informs me no, those're the blue kleenex, they're for her bathroom since they match the decoration there.
Ooo... kay...
Mind, I couldn't even point out to her that THE KLEENEX SHE HAD IN THERE AT THE TIME WEREN'T BLUE, since I'm sick enough to have no voice. So she hauls out a box of kleenex With Lotion! Which I detest. I managed to get that across to her, so she said, oh fine, use the blue ones. Then promptly took the box of blue ones away, and swapped it with the not-blue box she had in her bathroom.
Now, Mom has one of those little box covers that make it so you can't see the actual box of kleenex anyway. This is important. Why is this important? Because the box she came back and gave me was the pride and joy of variety packs... also known as, why you should NEVER buy kleenex in variety packs.
So now I'm sitting here with a magenta kleenex box with Hannah Montana on it. Yeah. You can't make this stuff up, folks...
So I was telling a friend about this, and told mom she'd kept my buddies entertained, and she seemed to think I shouldn't be sharing this story. So naturally I'm posting it on LJ. And later today, I'm trading her kleenex boxes again and waiting to see how long it takes her to notice.
Yes, I'm easily amused.