Aug 30, 2008 00:27
So I was all excited about the Palin pick, and was talking to a friend I can usually count on to provide intelligent political discourse even though we agree on next to nothing. He told me that she's just a rightwing nutcase and a hick who doesn't know that there are places that get above 30 degrees.
I inquired how he came to that conclusion, was it just because she's a Republican and from Alaska? Answer: Both those, but also because she was the mayor of a very small town, gave money to Alaskans so they'd like her, ratted out corrupt politicians, and shoots critters. (Who knew? Giving away money--apparently he's never heard of the Alaska Permanent Fund--and taking on corrupt politicians are "rightwing nutcase" positions.)
He also spouted some BS about Troopergate. Now, I don't deny that Troopergate has been handled poorly by all involved, but apparently pointing out that the trooper in question was giving death threats, getting drunk in his squad car, and tasering his 11-year-old stepson is just "spin" and irrelevant. Also, that getting involved with that wasn't her job.
So apparently it's not the governor's job to make sure the guy hiring state troopers is actually competent. I asked about that. He told me off for not being rational. Because, you know, blatant bigotry and ignorance are okay, but let's stay rational. But he was tired and being less tactful than normal--so I guess it's supposed to make me feel better that usually he keeps his bigotry quieter.
So I gave up on that and asked again what makes her a hick, and basically got that it's cuz she's from a small town in Alaska and likes to hunt.
I asked again what makes her a rightwing nutcase and got a list that was half mainstream conservative positions, half strawman positions. And I couldn't find any reference to her holding anything close to the strawman positions (and no, he did not bother to give me a source when I asked for one).
I asked what makes someone a rightwing nutcase as opposed to just conservative, and was told that I'm conservative, Bush, McCain (2008 edition), and Scalia are rightwing nutcases. That is NOT an explanation. (He also failed to explain to me how McCain has so drastically changed in his view from respected maverick in 2000 to rightwing nutcase in 2008. I mean, he's shifted to the right this election, no doubt, but nutcase?)
I expect much, much better from this guy, and I am incredibly fucking disappointed in him. And I don't think he even caught on.