Snorkelfish are useful!

Dec 13, 2006 12:10

(The following transcript is somewhat incomplete since I can't transcribe what was going on over Ventrilo the whole time, but the important parts are intact. No points for guessing which one's me.)

[Raid][Jyeager]: sorry can you say the kill order again
[Raid][Zhuul]: skull star circle diamond triangle moon square
[Raid][Syzygylock]: just yell you
[Raid][Syzygylock]: out*
[Raid][Syzygylock]: just yell out
[Raid][Syzygylock]: nobody attacks until then
(discussion on Vent about making up a word or phrase to remember the order)
[Raid][Zhuul]: Sscdtms....i dont think u can use that in scrabble
[Raid][Adorable]: lol thats what i do , post it
[Raid][Jyeager]: freeways?
[Raid][Thorndog]: <.< yeah lol
[Raid][Jyeager]: hehe
[Raid][Scarwisp]: snorkelfish swim contentedly down the mild stream
[Raid][Kratosx]: yeah
[Raid][Zhuul]: lol....i cant believe u did that scar
[Raid][Scarwisp]: xD
[Raid][Scarwisp]: it WORKS dammit!
[Raid][Zhuul]: it does! but that doesnt make u any less insane
[Raid][Scarwisp]: hehe
[Raid][Scarwisp]: good

(Fast forward. After the battle...)

[Raid][Gennerater]: yell out kill order cause I cant see symbols in melee...they are too tall
[Raid][Zhuul]: its funny cuz i was actually usin that thing scar said to remember
[Raid][Scarwisp]: I said to remember something?
[Raid][Zhuul]: snorklefish swim contentedly down the mild stream
[Raid][Jyeager]: easy to make an assist macro
[Raid][Scarwisp]: oh xD
[Raid][Zhuul]: lol, it actually helped!
[Raid][Scarwisp]: bwaha

I'm still pressing to have the snorkelfish named the official mascot of Censored, but people are gonna have to learn to spell it first.

**Aqua out**

amusing, warcraft, gaming, weird

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