From the book

Sep 01, 2010 15:34

Building the best you: A two year discovery journal. by Caroline Harper.

Journal is not supposed to take more than a few mins a day. I am also writing it out as the two years are side by side and i would like to compare how im feeling in a years time. But i will record some in here too, as its a quick and simple way to update things.

What did i do today?
6.30am exercise, Oil pulling for health and well being, Lunch with vikki and liam, Started writing lists for what to buy with tax money, what bills i need to pay off, and preparing for the new pay times of fortnightly so we dont end up hurting financially again.

What did i feel today?
Started the day feeling great, strong and healthy. Am feeling the stress now as i start to get tired and the images seem to creep back in.

What am i grateful for today?
I am grateful for my two beautiful children and my loving partner.  I am grateful jamie is being gentle and understanding, that he is being patient with me, and i am grateful that he works hard to support us.

What Challenged me today?
Loneliness has challenged me today. Jamie will work all day, Ceilidh will go from school to theatre, finn is here but its different, plus he will sleep early and jamie has a work function tonight. Loneliness will hurt tonight. Fear and insecurity in my relationship. Self loathing of my own body.

How did i overcome that challenge?
I am not feeding the emotions. I am allowing myself to be comfortable txting jamie or emailing him, not expecting a reply but knowing that its ok that i am in contact with my partner. I am telling myself that my body will be mine again soon if i can just keep up the diet and exercise routine. While everyone is out tonight, i will shower and feel nice i will read, and possibly have a glass of wine. I will be kind to myself.

What did i savour today?
Avocado on toast. Finn's gappy and cheeky smile. seeing ceilidh go off to school happy. Vikki's friendship. A phone call with Fiona. Words exchanged with Wendy and Nancie. Contact from Jamie throughout the day. Pay out from Centrelink! Jamie sheer joy in his new job!. lots of things to love.

best you

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