St. Sardonicist's song meme. I decided that it would be too easy to pick songs that started with the word "I," so I excluded many from consideration right off the bat.
Start with the obvious:
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Another from the time when the rock was epic:
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In my mind, this beat out Tori Amos' Icicle, mainly I think since it's not necessarily all about Sarah. It's also from the time before Sarah decided her performances needed to be a snoozefest. Also check out the way the backup singers are dressed. I imagine this conversation with Paul Schaeffer: "Why are we dressed this way? Are you kidding? When you said we were backing up someone from Nettwerk Records we thought you meant Skinny Puppy!"
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I really, really dug this way back when. Before there was any goth electronica, there was this:
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And last, I searched far and wide for a new "I" contender. Found one close to home. This is probably not work safe:
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Other contenders included The Zombies (It's Alright), The Damned (Is This a Dream?), Iron Butterfly (Inna Gadda Da Vida) and Billy Squier (In the Dark). That concludes this post, brought to you by the letter "I."