A rare treat -- Mistle Thrush -- free mp3s available at their website

Sep 21, 2008 08:21

If you like This Ascension, Strange Boutique, Sara McLachlan, Moon Seven Times, etc. . . .

Mistle Thrush was one of the best of the "blisspop" bands of the 1990s, and released some extraordinarily pretty, shimmering pop songs with a touch of reverby space rock to provide a backdrop to top notch vocals. They were on Bedazzled Records for a while, along with Monica Richard's old band Strange Boutique.

They released an e.p. and 3 albums. This is important because though the band is defunct, they made the e.p., an album, and two songs from another album available for download. Though you have to download one by one, I'd say definitely worth the effort to pick through.

http://www.mistlethrush.com/index.htm (homepage)
http://www.mistlethrush.com/sound/listen.html (mp3s)
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