Jun 20, 2004 19:21
After getting back from my brother's, which was great fun, I gave my FFT/FF4 party a whirl. They beat Balk 2 on my first attempt in months, and Hashmalum was, well, a wimp, but that's what happens when Edge has two Rune Blades AND Cecil has Two Swords and Excalibur. Altima required only one reset, thanks to bad luck with Grand Cross (Cecil is a Slowed, Petrified Frog!) during Altima 2. (Edge threw Save The Queen while she was charging for 396. That certainly helped matters.)
Final save point: 23:23 - and that includes the time required to get all the secret characters sans Byblos. Finished just in time for dinner. It was the sixth game of FFT I started (out of 12 total), and the eighth I've finished. I have four unfinished, including three SCCs, and I have thirteen more that I haven't started... plus TDDs, plus my Lunar-themed runs... this game is all set to frustrate entertain me for YEARS to come.
My FF4-style units were around level 40. I had three saves for that run, since I had gone back to my world map save to level and buy stuff (and then wound up using my original Murond save anyway), so I kept the endgame save and STILL got two empty save blocks out of this. Which, to be frank, I really need. When I do actual challenges, I keep a pre-Orbonne save AND a final battle save, but for this I only want my Murond save. Actually, going through my Lunar/Lunar2 saves, I was able to clear out another four blocks (between the two, I'd used eight blocks). It looks like I DO still have my Castlevania:SotN save, so I guess I need to add that to the backlog.
I also desperately need to reorganize my four memory cards, or perhaps cough up $3 for a used non-Sony card to bring it to five.