Yard Sales 2008, Vol. 2

May 18, 2008 17:09

In addition to the fabric I bought earlier in the week, we headed out again yesterday. For $2.25, we got two shirts for Aaron, a sweater for me, a pair of bookends, and a hardcover copy of The Joy of Cooking.

(As a side note, here is the fabric. Well, a section of it anyway. I have about two yards, 45 inches wide. It has a silky feel and is probably a nice polyester, I don't know for sure, I haven't tried to, you know, melt it. It has a recurring sparkly bit. Suggest things to do with it.)

In the afternoon, we got some work done around the house - I found a place to store our Rock Band drums, and we took out four bags of recycling, and we bought some groceries, and I organized stuff in the garage, and I organized our board games to include all the new additions I've acquired from yard sales the past few weeks. And Aaron vacuumed the living room.

And, as unproductive as this will sound, we took time to consider which songs from KR1 and KR Party we would want to download for KR:AI Encore, and downloaded those that are available at this time, and then put the Xbox 1 versions, and the mics to go with them, in our eBaying pile, and confirmed that the three remaining original Xbox titles we have are backwards-compatible on the 360, and then disconnected and boxed up the original Xbox in preparation for selling it.

Which does not sound like a big deal, but it cleared an entire shelf on our entertainment center, and that shelf is now in use holding all the controllers that were previously littering our floor.

married life, gaming, bargains, home improvement, music games, yard sales

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