Valkyrie Profile is still awesome, but the requirements for the A ending are absolutely counter-intuitive to what the manual implies - the manual strongly suggests on at least three occasions that the key to getting the best ending is being the best little einherjar-sending valkyrie you can be, which is a pack of lies. Had I continued playing in a way which I really enjoyed and which I thought was the correct way, I could have inadvertently screwed myself out of access to the best ending even though I had done everything else right thus far.
And that really pisses me off. >_>
But the game is no less fun! Ahh, Lezard. :D
Spoiling anything about VP or VP2 in the comments will get you hurt really badly. No, seriously. I know where you live.
Saw a Wii commercial on TV for the first time last night -
this one. Dad asked about it, and what they were doing in the commercial, and I explained, with physical demonstration, Wii Sports.
Dad: "Do you guys have one?"
Me: "Not yet, but we want one, gonna try to get it with the Blockbuster gift cards."
Dad: "You'll have to bring it here and show it to me when you get it, it sounds neat."
Aaron's reaction: "He refers to us as a unit. ^_^"
multi-player YES plz. This is why Falc and I need a second PSP. "One of the other new features of the game will be the ability to choose maps and set up specific and detailed rules for each battle"? YES PLZ. It's like someone over at Square-Enix follows Super Tact.