Here are snippets from the first five entries on my friends page at present:
andrabbi: "24 HOURS UNTIL HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE!!!!!!!!! *squeeeeee*"
kamalloy: "I have a copy of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on reserve at Barnes & Noble. I will be picking it up Saturday morning."
chaoticone: "Also, geeky note: A mere 29 hours till I go to get Half-Blood Prince. *GLEE*"
kphoebe: "You see the problem here? 'Must Read HBP Non-Stop' and 'Must Interact With Parents (Or Risk Walking Home Carrying All my Junk)' are the immoveable object and irresistable force of my admittedly ridiculous life."
falcon815: "On the Harry Potter front: despite the fact that I am not buying the book, I will be participating in a launch party."
No dorks here, nosirree.