Sometimes I think I'd like to be more social. So when my chances come and then float by because there never seems to be the right people at the right party, it is very frustrating. My friends don't really party. My sister's friends do, but I don't party with them without my sister, and for now her partying scale is on the low side.
And usually parties suck anyway.
So I'm home writing some song. How emo of me.
Uh, anyhow, I'm mainly posting this drabble because I realize that my last three posts, or at least my last two were centered around the movies I want to own, and tonight that saddened me. Indeed, it really did.
Superman Returns kind of rocks my socks right now. That boy is quite good-looking, but besides that...
Bryan Singer is just so wonderful to me. His writing of super heroes is just so multi-dimensional, they're not just cute, ass-kicking people with flimsy comic plot lines and non-existent background. His writing and directing is smart and emotional. Everything I wish X-3 had, is in Superman Returns. It burns to think that Bryan Singer could have done X-3, but for some reason he couldn't. Damn.
I'm very passionate about movies, especially ones with super heroes. I didn't grow up with Marvel or DC, but I was certainly groomed for it with all the manga I read. I was terribly obsessed with anime for a long, long time. I don't think my nerdiness has diminished, though, it has simply changed focus. And I hide it rather well. On the outside, I appear to be a well-rounded, intelligent girl. On the inside, I am all nerd.
I digress. Superman Returns. I like the fact that James Marsden (Cyclops from X-Men) is in it, and that you can see his eyes! He's rather pretty himself, and it's funny that I kept staring at him whenever he had screen time thinking, "Wow. His...his eyes are so...well, there." They're quite expressive. Well, most eyes are, but still. You get my point. I think it speaks to his abilities that I still believed him in X-Men when I couldn't see his eyes. I'm sad he died. Cyclops, I mean.
I'm also sad that, while perfect in my sight, the movie lacked Lois and Superman being all happy and in love. Together, I mean. They're obviously still in love with each other, but Lois still had that ring on at the end, though I didn't spy Richard's (Cyclops) plane. Hm. That sort of left it hanging, then?
I thought they handled the son thing nicely. It could have been overdone and over dramatic. But that scene at the end, when Superman is saying to his son the words his own father said to him...I choked up hardcore. And that light of pride and love in his eyes. I do believe that boy can act.
Not like he needs talent, with biceps like that. Crikey.
And I enjoyed the parallels of their experience; Clarke shed his glasses when his powers first manifested, and Jason discarded his inhaler. It's like they both accepted their destinies to be...powerful beings at such a young age, letting go of their physical, and perhaps emotional, trepidations, in the same way.
And Jason's immune to Kryptonite? Hmmm. That shall cause problems for Lex, eh?
Lex I liked, although I must admit I missed the inherent sexiness that all megalomaniac millionaires always seem to posses in my brain. I mean, Spacey's a sexy man to me, but this character was more comic (as in from the comic-logic side of things) that he was more amusingly evil, in that dry, pour-the-martini-as-I-destroy-Metropolis kind of way.
Speaking of destroying Metropolis: I thought it could have been destroyed a little bit more. Superman got to kick some major ass, but I just thought the scenes of him saving the city were a little lacking. Je ne sais pas. Seemed like all that happen was broken windows, the Daily Planet ball, underground fires, and...that's it. Whatev.
Kate Bosworth impressed me, but I already respected her for Beyond the Sea, so she didn't have to prove herself to me or anything. I just got to enjoy her. Lol, that sounds strange, but oh well. I'm not sure how I felt about the mousy brown hair though. Her hair just bugged me for some reason. Kate's a lovely lady, and kudos to the costume designer for giving her such great outfits, but it seemed her hair was just out of place.
Speaking of Kate Bosworth's outfits: I was wearing one in my dream last night. Or, at least a model of one.
I'm strange, we all get that now, I'm sure.
I just can't get over how much I actually liked Superman. The character, I mean, not just the movie in general. He was the perfect awkward Clark, and the perfect steady, confident, emotionally-charged Superman. All of those scenes of Clark's goofy smiles, his little waves...ah. I just like kind of nerdy guys, I guess. They call to my inner nerd.
Poor James Marsden never getting the girl.
And I don't doubt that Lois was lying when she said she didn't love Superman, but I sort of wished that had been cleared up. Lol, I suppose I live in a world where emotional baggage is not allowed between the heroes and their loved ones. It's hard enough saving the world, right?
But then I wouldn't love the story so much, right? Right. I mean, look at the first two X-Men. Gloriously written, angst and all.
All of the scenes of people looking perplexedly at Clark, the thought running through their head, "He sure looks like..." were great. The one where Lois and Richard are discussing Clark's height and weight in hushed tones, though Clark can hear them anyway, was funny.
And oh, my heart leaped for joy at the genius of Bryan Singer when Clark, picking up his glasses, pauses for a moment to look down at Lois, who is occupied with picking up her verboten cigarettes, and you can just see it in his eyes; he wants her to look at him and see him for who he really is. Superman. The man who loves her still.
Eegads. I think that's my favorite part of the movie. Singer's attention to little things like that just blow my mind.
Of course, the action was not lacking, besides Metropolis being let off the hook. The whole island of Kryptonite, the knife of Kryptonite, and all of those scenes of the final conflict were nice. But two things:
1. I wish Lex had lost the crystals in a more interesting way than Kitty simply having a crisis of morality. I mean. C'mon.
2. Lex's big plan seemed...weird. Not enough to make me not like it, but, uh...what? He just wanted to rule his own continent or something? I just didn't understand his plan or his motives. I need to see it again, I guess.
And I think that's all I can say. I'm glad Superman didn't die, that goes without saying.
Yay for good summer Super Hero flicks!
My life revolves around movies, looks like. Oh well, that's fun!
And I'm finally tired. Goodnight!