Nov 05, 2005 11:50
So, duders. How's it going? I've caught a major case of sernioritis. It's squelching my will to make good grades and be in any way enthusiastic about learning...damn your eyes, sernioritis, damn your eyes!
But beyond that, and some major PMS, all's well. I'm singing at Cafe Lago tonight and that makes me happy. I'm so sick of thinking about showcase and ArtsRec and college, I just need to go somewhere and do what I love the most; perform. For anybody who walks in, for my family, friends. It's the greatest feeling.
Of couse, I'm nervous as hell before I go, though. Lol. Luckily I've got dad, he's got a case of adult-senioritis, so we blow stuff off and go to movies. We're thinking of seeing Wallace and Gromit today, yaay. I heart some British clay-mation, ya'll.
Entertainers got to watch Suessical last week. It's a great show, I'm really excited. I just can't wait to start the show, right not it's the Christmas-show people who are doing anything. Everyone else just sits around class doing nothing (though some days that's just fine, too). Entertainers is the only class I'm totally into, now, so this lack of activity is making me antsy. I want to start Suessical already!
I want to watch Firefly. I need to get those DVD's for Christmas or something.
It's a plan.
(I apologize for the absolute nothingness that is this post.)