Hello, 2016

Jan 02, 2016 11:16

Some goals for 2016:

-Start writing and reflecting at least a few times a week (hello, again!)
-Meditate daily, even if it's just for a few minutes
-Exercise 3x a week. I'd really like it to be 4x, but I'm pragmatic
-Incorporate at least one vegetarian/vegan day into my weekly cooking pattern
-Try cooking something new at least twice a month
-Read at least one new book a month
-Keep a more frequent eye on my finances
-Spend more time playing with the cats
-Go camping/enjoy more time outdoors
-Learn yoga and practice it
-Practice my conversational Spanish 1/week

Things I want to continue doing:
-Speaking honestly, but through a filter of kindness and improvement
-Managing my obligations and social enjoyments

And some reverse resolutions:
-Go sledding (one of the boys assures me that this will happen this winter)
-Spend a day in my pajamas without guilt
-Bake cookies
-Drink in the bathtub
-Order dessert and drinks with dinner
-Take a road trip
-Put aside the grading for a night and go adventuring instead
-Laugh until I can't breathe
-Have a good cry
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