Feb 10, 2005 10:37
hey! im in business class...again... Yeah so are lemonade sale thing isnt until next tuesday cuz we have to get something approved by asb. Its ok i didnt really wanna do it anyways. I have been doing lacrosse conditioning with Megs, Arleen and Heather. Im so sore! My legs hurt sooo bad! Its a really good workout, but very very painful. Yesterday i worked out witht them, then Meggie and I went to her house and took showers, then went to Oscars for food. After that we saw Into the Woods. That play is so good! Its kinda long, but its really good! Aliison was so awsome. She did such a good job! "Into the woods and out of the woods!" Thats song was stuck in my head for the rest of the night. Today we are going to go workout again, hopefully it doesnt rain, but if it does, o well. After that i dont know what we are going to do. Three day weekend!! yay! im soo excited. This whole school thing needs to end. Megs and i have to do our brief presentation for agwa. Blah..thats going to take forever. I printed out our world fact book. That was due like a couple of days ago...whoops...o well. I had math first period. I didnt do my homework. Haha that the first time i havent done my homework for that class...It doesnt matter anyways cuz she didnt even check it. Im totally lost in that class anyways. Gosh im so bored. Ok bYe bYe!!!