I've Seen Better Days

Sep 28, 2005 17:28

My .

So. . . I kept telling myself that I would go get a snack today, but between the three tests and computer lab that I had today, I really didn't have time because every spare minute I had I kept going 'must study, must study, muststudy, muststudymuststudy. . .' and so forth. So . . . I have not yet eaten, and the book store unfortunately closes before my lab lets out. I would get in my car before work and go buy some yogurt real quick, but I don't have my car. Mom has it. Mom will be picking me up from the library at twelve tonight because I picked insane hours to work.

Am I complaining again? Eck, I suppose so.

So one problem on my Calculus test kept me twenty minutes after class. I would have spent longer, but I was very, very late to my computer lab. I did end up coming up with a solution, but it is much more complicated than it needs to be, I'm sure (I tend to think things the hard way). I wonder how many points will be deducted for that mistake.

So I run into CSC111, panting for breath and it took me about 4 minutes just to figure out where to sit down. Then, Dr. Plaut asked me if I had my homework assignment.

. . .

I did it! I swear I did. I even did it 2 -count them, 2- days ahead of time (yes, that would be a first). Unfortunately, I left it at home. And I left my lab book in the car. So I have to borrow Dr. Plaut's book, (though she was reluctant to part with it because she was using it to help her grade lab assignments) and I was finally able to begin lab work.

Finally I get to the last problem, and I do the wrong one. This realization happened to wait til I was finished with the 'wrong' problem to make itself known. Which meant I had to stay an extra twenty minutes, doing the 'right' problem.

I was just about finished with the problem, when the laptop died. Sure, I had saved, but still. This meant I had to go plug it up and turn it on again.

Okay, so my day wasn't all bad. I probably made a B on my Calc and Psych exams (assuming I'm not over-estimating) and I'm even hoping for an A in Linear Algebra (this may be expecting too much, since I've never taken one of Dr. Bruce's tests before and she is certainly harsh on grading homework).

See? Not so bad.

Except I'm very pessimistic about tests, and I don't truly believe that I could possibly have done that well. Only part of me is willing to believe it.
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