It's times like this I really dislike some aspects of LJ.
You see, I've got an email telling me that someone I've not heard of before (
deepstarrysky) replied to a comment I made in someone else's LJ. Looking at the comment I made, it looks only vaguely familiar, so I think it must have been at least a month ago, and I'd willingly believe I made my comment back in March.
So: I have no clue whose LJ that conversation took place/is taking place in, or when, so I can't go and reply to
deepstarrysky. I think I'd like to, I think it'd be an interesting conversation. I feel rude, and on the other hand, as though if LJ expects me to remember the exact text, LJ and time of every comment I make, I might as well quit now.
As it happens,
deepstarrysky doesn't have any non-friendslocked posts, so I can't leave a comment along the lines of "interesting followup, but I don't remember where I was having that conversation, do you want to talk more about it?" which was my first reaction.