The day after tomorrow we're going to be teaching the kids a bit about the differences of internet culture in terms of smilies (through which the Japanese side I still have the most experience with from the movie 電車男) and anything else I feel like teaching. I mentioned acronyms, and Bambi got very excited, saying she'd be looking forward to learning about those from me as well.
So, aside from legions of :-) :-( :) :( :D D: :'( <3 etc etc. I am considering the following:
- lol
- "hahaha"
- brb
- ftw
- idk
- wtf (as his younger brother, "why the face")
- "pwn"
- "woot!"
- "google"
- "bye" or "bai"
- "bff"
- "srs"
There are obviously a lot more but the three letter ones are A LOT. I could do a whole conversation in acronyms a la "IDK my bff Jill?" style. Actually I definitely have. Today. But the kids need limits, even for super fun lol stuffsauce.
She asked me if for the "send an email" homework exercise if it was okay for them to send email to my real address. I was kind of "oh hell yeah!" before I remembered that I am rude as fuck online and would need to hold it back. On that note eventually I will one day have an all-slang class, though considering my track record it might have to extra-curricular. But. Hearing the boys yell "douchenozzle" at each other would be so amazing.
I'm not sure if introducing them to cat macros would be good for studying proper English though. Dammit.
This reminds me of how awesome the slang was in The World Ends With You. For example (to the confusion of the main characters about a celebrity) "He f'd it! He only f's stuff he really likes!" and every time I hear anyone say "gank" or "ninja".