Dec 25, 2004 08:55
Hello everyone and a very merry christmas to you all. Its ben an eventful week i must say i've got a GBC and GBA emulator and pokemon games to play so i was perfectly happy last night. But i got everything i politely asked for and much more besides!!
Lets see, the big {or in my case expensive} stuff first... well i got hair straighteners {ive got curly hair so it makes a change to have it straight once in a while, its easier to keep as well}, a brand new dictaphone/MP3 player {double yay on my part, i needed a new dictaphone and now i can bug everyone at uni with my cheesey songs *maniacal, evil laugh*} Igot a ton of avon stuff including a relaxation kit {though my mum might need it more than me} and a hot chocolate set mmmm hot chocolate *drools at the thougth*. I got a ton of toiletries and three cds with all my fave love songs and artists. I got Derek Acorahs first book to sit and read as well as the Van Helsing double disc set {YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY i wanted to see that film at the pictures but i didnt have the money :0((}. Thats it for the pressies at least, oh and a big box of choccies as well, cant forget them.
And on an even better note, WE GOT SNOW LAST NIGHT!!! Its not exactly a white christmas of the sort im used to right enough, but we've still got it *dances madly*. And its deep on the hils just across the water so its a sure sign of things to come.
Anywaysive got a bath to get and ive got to get ready for visiting relatives {and neighbours as well}, but in the meantime im off to play pokemon for a few hours, take care everyone and once again merry christmas to you all, and i hope you all get what you were wishing for {and not socks like my little broither seemed to get a lot off today}...