Aug 14, 2002 22:26
Welp, T-minus two days and I myself, Jaime and ~V~ will be moving into the house. Our house... it's hard to believe that i'm actually saying that. I'm excited, and yet it seems like it's not happening. I have my anime videos and stuff taped, but that's perty much it.
Mom's been really good about helping me with finding things that i would need for the house... like finding some good deals on food, saying how we need to find me one of those mini apartment type coolers for my room, ect. I never thought i'd see her help me with it, but mom and I were always much closer than me and my father. Dad hasnt yelled at me as much, but we arent as close as mom and I and i dont think that him and i will ever be as close ever... in the words of Rory, "He never had the swing of a parent from the beginning." and i'm slowly starting to see that
Work has been pure and absolute hell the last couple of days too. With Bob on vacation, I havent been able to take a vacation day off, and i have packing yet to do, laundry to get done, and i'm going to help Jaime bring all her large stuff back with her from her home early friday morning (plus going to work that night because of bob being on vacation, no one could give ME a vacation day... god this place sucks -_-)
Anyway, i'm finding out that Joel and Hong were in the process of putting together packages for me, pocky, anime and who knows what else... who could ask for anything more?
Well, i'm looking at the 20 some negatives backed up in the processor and am cursing being at work when they dump everything on you at once, it gets to be a pain in the butt. Damn them sending it all at 1020pm... damn them to hell