Mar 10, 2006 00:15
ZOMG! I haven't like posted in like forever. It's been almost 2 years! Seriously people!
Nyah getting to myself. Uh, I haven't been able to hang out or talk to my highschool friends in the longest. THe closest I got to was D man, and there were even some hang ups in that situation simply because of work and the like. It kind of sucks but I suppose I'm actualy quite content where I am. I just wish it was easier to hang out with people that I knew from highschool like it was when I was actualy in highschool. Everything seems like such a big hassle you know?
I'm still working at Market Basket. Though I have ententions of quitting soon. Not so much out of hate for the job as it is I'm just kind of sick of it. Plus I need a full time position and I don't care enough to go full time there. THey take everything there way too seriouslyu and I could really care less about it.
I'm trying to get a full time position as a bank teller. Unfortunately people don't hand out money to a kid with a cardboard box with "BANK" written on the side of it. Or at least I don't think they will...Nah that wouldn't work. Damn laws. So I have to hit up all the banks in Leominster to see if they'll hire me.
If your wondering why a bank, seriously have you ever tried to make it to the bank? They're always closed. It's perfect. They don't open until like 9 am. And the latest they're open until is like 6 pm. If I decided to go back to college I could work every day at the bank and go to classes at night, no problems or anything.
That is if I want to go back. Oh yeah, I had a sucky time at college. THe first year went alright, but then the second year I really just started to crap out. Both semesters I failed a class or too and just kinda stopped going to classes.
I dunno, I just kind of hate college. It's not like the classes are that hard. It's never been a problem with me, because I can retain and apply information rather easily. It's just a matter of wanting to and being motivated to do the work and unfortunately there's just none of that there. I figure I can just work a really shitty job until I figure out what I really want to do with myself and then go back to college if I need to. So long as I have enough money to feed myself and put myself up in some sort of dwelling I think I'll be pretty happy.
Unfortunately without school I haven't had much work that I watned to distract myself from, and in result my artwork suffers. I mean I'm still constantly improving, I just seem to have no time or desire to actualy draw. I still do. I dunno. Maybe I'm just all done with needing other peoples approval or applause for my art. I mean fuck them. In the ass why don't I? Cause that would be wrong.
I'm still single! Ladies fuck off I don't want you! Seriously though, like want a boyfriend so bad X3. Not that I hate girls. I still have love for the bouncie things and moisty things, but I dunno, I think I can just appreciate living with another male as a partner better. But it kinda sucks because some girls still show some interest and I just feel so bad.
Is it wrong to not know a pesrons name when they never give it to you? Seriously what the fuck. If I don't know your name don't start using mine. And if I never use your name in a conversation, it's because I don't fucking know it. This one girl says hi to me all the time, and I either forgot her name or she never told it to me and I feel so bad. ANd this other kid started talking to me like he had known me for so long out of the blue. I started calling him by the name on his name tag [this is work related] but I feel like its cheating. But then again I never gave him my name so turn about is fair play you know?
There's this one guy at work who's really nice to me and gives me pats on the back now and again. to which I cant respond simply because I'm not used to showing physical displays of affection on other people. I dunno. I get the feeling he likes me but then again I could just be being big headed. I heard he has a girlfriend and he has shown no signs of his sexuality. And I'd be pretty bold to say that him being nice to me is him comingon to me because he's nice to everyone. Although at the same time I feel bad if he was trying to be obviously interested and I was politely ignoring it. That would crush me inside. Maybe it would be better to just flat out ask him. I mean I wouldn't be upset with rejection. I woul just prefer not to embaress him.
I have a Nintendo DS, and Animal Crossing Wild World, and Mario Kart DS. I don't really play Mario Kart. And AC:WW not like wicked frequently for obvious reasons. However if anyone wants to play I suppose I could do that.
Oh yeah and if any of my highschool friends want to hang out or whatever give me an IM sometime.
AIM: DubiousKnight
YIM: MathuEcir
And then maybe we can hang out if I have a day off that isn't already taken up! Which is sadly unlikely...*dies on the inside*
Also is anyone else pissed we're stuck with bush for a couple of years still? Can we impeach someone for gross incompetance? I suppose no matter how you look at it there's no right way to govern the country as it is. Though he could certainly be doing a better job. I wonder if writing a letter to tell him he's ruining my future would even see the light of day again. It probably gets burned with all the other hate mail. Whatever happened to by the people. Rudabegah rutabegah rutabegah. Aw who cares.