Philosophy of Life: Put simply...

Dec 14, 2005 16:14

Our lives are like raindrops.
The journey we make,
from the start,
to the end.
We fall from the sky,
only to be destined to be splattered on the

according to a thing called empathy
the present is long.
but some say
the actual fall goes at a
ridculously fast speed.
According to physics, this long drop
is actually
That is
compared to the infinite distance of space.
but no raindrop has ever
felt infinity.

During the journey
of a raindrop
of start to end.
should simply be described as
a joy ride.
those who strive for something
that the individual would empathize as
will near the pavement with the thoughts:
"well here i am.
destined for doom.
What was the point of all that.
i may as well had fun."
dont get any ideas.
what you would call
'Bumming around'
does not count either.
For the reason that,
however fun it may be for the time being,
it never works out.
and you will be in the same situation
as the other extreme.

Once the the storm is over
the droplets evaporate and the cycle starts again
this can be relevant to a number of things
Cycle of life

Each drop is just as equal as another
regardless of shape or size
each has a duty
if not to serve rainkind
but to simply make up a mass
one for all
all for one
and regardless of what each drop
has achived
and what other think
in the infinty of the world
one is just as importaint as the other
just a drop in time

In a way
we are all the same.
all destined for one fate.
But in another,
we arent.
What makes us individuals
is what we make of our journey,
and what we contribute to the world.

Life is short.
So make the most of it.
Take a chance.
Because your gonna die anyway.
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