Jun 07, 2011 01:38

Introduction: Silent Hills
-- Archie appeared in PD for the first time in the Silent Hills thread with 4thegoodofnone. Obviously this sort of left him with the idea that the island is possessed or something. He managed to save Adrian's life at least twice in this thread. This is really the start of their ridiculously derpy friendship.

...Maxie's here too?
-- And then Archie met oceansbane. This version of Maxie wasn't the one from Archie's world, and was also possessed by Groudon. Clearly the only response was to throw Sharpedo at his face. Somehow or other, Archie escaped alive. It probably would have been better for Maxie to kill him right then.

So much for leaving
-- So guess what? The island isn't letting him go. Dammit. Archie pretty much spends the majority of this thread meeting new people. He met eflamberge, surrealstream, and horrorthreshold for the first time. He ran into breakthecause, who he was already familiar with. Adrian and Maxie also appeared.
-- Of special note, Archie ended up somehow-but-not-quite befriending Maxie in this thread. Their battle severely crushed Cloyster's confidence and left Archie with a burning pun not intended hatred for Swellows.

Oh, Edmond.
-- After losing dreadfully to Maxie, Archie decided to search for more Water-type Pokemon. That's what he was doing when he ran into Edmond, who was apparently waiting for someone with a sword. They spent the majority of the thread getting to know one another. Oh, and Edmond totally trolled Archie.

The start of something beautiful...?
-- leaguechallenge's introduction. Not only was this the first person Archie ever saw appear on the island, but Red is also the first one Archie attempted to explain the island to. Obviously it didn't work so well. He ended up befriending the kid, as well as feeding him lies about how Team Magma are evil and similar to Team Rocket, while Team Aqua are obviously the good guys. He still hasn't been called out on this lie.

The best sort of battle
-- Archie finally met one of Maxie's subordinates, must_do_well. After tossing Sharpedo at him (and claiming Sharpedo totally did it of his own free will), they ended up in the worst kind of fight ever. An emasculating one. Both of them sort of slunk away afterwards.

Gym battle!
-- Except not really. Archie met hasathemesong, a Gym Leader from Sinnoh who also trains Water-types. He challenged him to a battle.

-- emptymarionette and Archie meet for the first time. Astrid is actually from his world, but Archie doesn't know that. He ended up learning that there are indeed different colored Pokemon, and that encountering them is a very rare occurring-- Oh hey look, a pink duck!
-- Archie's shiny pink Ducklett was added to his team. It's really only there so it can learn Fly. It's terribly embarrassing.

-- Oh island, do you have to troll so hard? Yes, evidently. The island decided to give everyone Pokemon abilities for a day, and Archie got stuck with Anger Point. He ran into Adrian, who had Air Lock. Thanks to the island's trolling, Archie got pissed off enough to punch a tree. And break his knuckle. Yep.

Let's get down to business, to defeat Maxie!
-- Song reference is relevant. This is how Archie trains his Pokemon, by throwing Sharpedo at them. Unsurprisingly, it didn't end well. He met centrifuged, umixnoxkami, teainhotwater, and expbunny for the first time. Red also showed up. The majority of this thread was spent being told he was a horrible person for throwing his shark at his shiny pink Ducklett.
-- N is pretty much going to stalk Archie from now on to make sure he's not abusing his Pokemon. Whoops.
-- Lugia gave Ducklett Brightpowder to help it avoid attacks. He also pretty much made sure Archie wouldn't be attacking his own Pokemon any time soon.

Water-type trainers? Water-type trainers.
-- keptsupersonic's arrival on the island. Archie had to explain about the island again (he did a slightly better job of it this time), and also decided that Misty is kind of cool. Pun intended this time. She trains Water-type Pokemon, is a Gym Leader, and doesn't afraid of Sharpedo. Clearly she's awesome. She's also from his world, but he doesn't know that.

Mindfucking is a go
-- tinyairlock's introduction. Archie ended up getting himself dreadfully confused thanks to the island's interference with his memories and suppressed memories. This is when he began to question the Surrogate Project and just how big it really was within his own universe. This adorable bitty!Rayquaza is from a world where Archie actually helped stop Maxie from waking Groudon, so Archie wasn't poked attacked by him.

Team Magma + hot chick = ???
-- Back home, Maxie has a female Admin named Courtney. She's pretty fine. beautyburning happens to look exactly like her, shares her name, but isn't from his world, or from any world like his. Turns out she's from the same world as the Maxie he met on the island. Archie has no idea what to make of her.
-- This is also when he learns that his double from their world is a psychopath and a murderer. He also gets it in his head that he will not be mistaken for that guy ever.

Cheer up, emo kid!
-- Poor Red, not only is he homesick, but he's worried about his mom. Archie ends up failing to comfort Red, but this somehow or other cements their weird friendship. They are now bros4life.

What are you doing on my beach
-- Archie finally meets Maxie's double, risingtectonics. It turns out that this guy is a lot more like his rival back home, which makes Archie incredibly happy. It means he stands a chance of defeating this guy. It's not because he kind of misses his rivalry. Shut up.

Hoenn triple battling
-- Theo and Archie finally met up again, only this time Theo was "training," which Archie found a little harsh. Somehow or other they decided to battle, and Archie decided that triple battling was the way to go here. He's very fond of experimenting with battle styles, and this one looked like fun. He kind of ended up with three-on-one at one point, and eventually reduced it to a two-on-one. It was still pretty unfair.

Only you, Maxie
-- The first Maxie Archie met on the island (who shall be referred to as crazy!Maxie from now on, since that is what he is, okay) apparently hatched a lot of Slugma eggs. Seriously, those things were just all over the beach, chasing the waves, attempting to Ember the ocean... it was pretty awesome. Archie went back and forth from amusement to rage to amusement again. This is also where Maxie started trolling him inside his head. Don't ask how; it doesn't make sense to anyone who isn't from Hoenn and/or as dumb as Archie.

Cooking lessons
-- Little known fact: Archie is amazing when it comes to cooking. As usual, he ends up running into Red, only to find that the kid has nearly set his house on fire, is covered with burns, and clearly has no idea what he's doing when it comes to cooking. Obviously there's only one way to fix that - teach Red how to cook! And that's exactly what Archie did. He also decided to child-proof the entire house and teach Red how to protect himself. He also had to patch up Red's burns because seriously, that is not how you treat burns, Red.

Self-defense shenanigans
-- In which Archie attempts to toughen Red up. It's not working.

Screw Team Galactic
-- There are plenty of benefits to the beach. One of them is sexy ladies in swimsuits. Unfortunately, Archie ran into g3_jupiter who is a sexy lady, but also a part of Team Galactic. And she insulted his intelligence.

-- Archie ran into Red, except it wasn't actually his bro!Red. This exileforfreedom happens to be the one from his world. What originally started as a chat about a Pokemon egg Red found turned into... well, a realization of sorts.
-- This is where Red explained to Archie what is really happening in their world, along with just what the Surrogate Project is, and Archie's part in it. He's not only reeling from the realization that he's been used this whole time, but he's worried about Adrian and Carys's parts in it.

This can only end badly
-- Red, the one Archie is bros with, managed to get hold of some energy drinks that the island had made far more potent. Archie essentially dragged him back to his house and made sure that Red didn't kill himself while high on said drinks. He eventually ended up bringing back equally spiked donuts which led to a massive cuddlefest.
-- The follow-up thread to this is here. Archie attempts to escape unnoticed and fails miserably. Foiled by his own insistence on locks for Red's house. He eventually ends up explaining just why he refuses to be so nice. Hint: It involves Maxie.
-- Archie accidentally mentions that he's been lying to Red, then in an attempt to get Red to not be so trusting, tells him about Team Aqua. Oh yeah, he mentions that he's sort of responsible for at least one of Adrian's deaths. But probably all of them. Whoops.

-- It turns out that crazy!Maxie has a thing for sweets. The island spiked the sweets. Maxie was totally cuddling with Archie. There are no words.

-- Between learning of his role within the Surrogate Project and effectively screwing poor Red over, Archie's decided to focus solely on training. He's totally attempting to be serious about it too. He met theglovesstayon, though didn't catch his name.
-- Red confronts Archie about all the terrible things he's done back in his world and they battle. Red (once again) nearly kills Archie with an ill-placed Thunderbolt attack. Again their battle isn't completed and they end up friends again. Archie's still not sure Red understands what he was trying to prove though.
-- Rosetta was training with Archie when the subject of what happened in her version of Hoenn came up. Turns out she's from Unova, several years in the future. Granted their worlds aren't exactly the same, but she puts two and two together and ends up running away in fear.
-- Archie and Maxie have yet another battle, which once again, Archie loses. This was more of a free-for-all-battle-royale than anything else. Things eventually ended with Archie bandaging up Maxie's injured eye.

Training from hell
-- Maxie spends the day spamming Earthquake and Archie comes to investigate. For once this doesn't end in a battle, but Archie does request that Maxie bandage his eye again.

-- After Red's near-death experience in the kitchen, Archie ended up childproofing the entire house. He decides to stay with Red to keep an eye on him, and they also decide to start training together.

-- In which Maxie teaches Archie how to shounen yell then proceeds to threaten everyone he cares about. Archie actually fights better once he's been backed into a corner like that, but he still loses to Maxie. He's injured by a Flamethrower attack and Maxie explains how to use berries to heal burns rather than buying Burn Heals. ...Then they start derping at one another and nothing gets done, ever.

Let there be Pokemon!
-- Due to some screwups on the island, Giratina summoned many people to take on "dungeons" that had popped up and were causing trouble. All of these people were turned into Pokemon. Archie was one of them, and he was turned into a Carvanha.
-- Threads with Red, Adrian, and his world's Red. Archie ended up teamed up with the latter.
-- They went on subsequent adventures here, here, here, and here.
-- Like everyone else, they turned back into humans after a week.

A new ally
-- Geechisu attacked Iris, one of the Gym Leaders from Unova. Archie arrived in time to stop Iris from being killed by a Psychic attack, but he didn't get to attack Geechisu. Afterward he discussed the situation with Iris and the two formed an alliance to take out Geechisu and reclaim Iris's dragon Pokemon from him.

It was just a dream
-- Red has a dream in which he is married to some Gym Leader. Archie attempts to find out who. Red is very unhelpful. Hopefully it wasn't Giovanni. ...Not that it really mattered, since it was just a weird dream.

Kids these days
-- Archie meeds relevantribbons, a child from the crazy-double's version of Hoenn. Apparently the flooding was bad enough to nearly drown this kid's city. Archie's never actually stopped to think about what would happen if the flooding from Kyogre was that bad... He doesn't like thinking about it. He also isn't aware that Lani is a boy. ...Or that Lani even has a name.

Ow that... didn't hurt
-- The island strikes again! Except this time it's rendered Archie completely incapable of feeling pain which... is proving to be better than anything it's done thus far. This also means he can't feel emotional pain, which is also proving to be a bit problematic.
-- Archie also met up with Adrian who lost his sense of taste, Rosetta who lost her sense of hearing, Red who lost his sense of sight, and Elisa who lost her common sense.

Can't childproof the island, unfortunately
-- Red, Archie's roommate of sorts, has been affected by the island's sudden decision to make everyone lose a sense. Red has lost his sense of touch and managed to break his wrist badly. Archie's lost his sense of pain so together... they form a terrible duo.

Not Carys, but close
-- So this girl who looks like Carys shows up on the island. Turns out her name is May, and she's from a different world where she's stopped his double. They ended up chilling, weirdly enough.

No one can cook
-- Lani can't cook. Archie is unamused.

-- Except one of them is from Team Magma. Manami and Dimitri appear on the island and Archie... proceeds to grill the both of them trying to figure out just what their world is like.

The best housewives
-- Kagura is cooking, things are not getting burned, and for once Archie is pleased. Seriously, island, if everyone was as good at this as she is, you wouldn't have to worry about children living on their own! Anyway, her cooking attracts Bisharp and Pawniards, which they end up catching. Kagura also explains about her role in the Surrogate Project. Then they were brosises.

Carnival time!
-- Archie has threads with Red, Kagura, Adrian, Rosetta, Misty, Iris, and Maxie. Basically Archie was just a giant manchild, the end.

Insert some lame ditto pun here
-- In which Archie meets thievingfae, or rather, her Ditto.

-- Adrian once again gets himself in trouble, so Archie has to save him. From Furrets. Except it didn't end well and Archie sort of broke Adrian's leg. Whoops.

Things are about to go down
-- Maxie's drunk on the beach. Archie's jealous. But it turns out there's more to this than it seems - Maxie has the Red Orb.

Hello, Gym Leader!
-- In which Archie meets shockwhipping. She's totally hot; at least he hasn't attempted to use any horrible pick-up lines on her yet.

-- Archie meets pursuespower. Archie's Sharpedo is suddenly in love with a strange bunny thing. And that bunny thing belongs to this guy.

This is constantly being updated. If I've missed something, please let me know.

surrogate project, denying his love for maxie forever, threads list, poor cloyster, completely useless, bro!red is awesome, too many maxies, is that a pink duck

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