Dir en grey concert in Stockholm 7th August 2007!

Aug 09, 2007 18:01

I know that I hardly update this journal. T____T
But I just wanted to leave a note about the DIRU concert!

OH MY GOD! It was simply AMAZING! honto honto awesome ne! XDDDDD I'm so speechless! You really have to see it yourself to be able to understand how powerfull their lives are! This was my first Dir en grey concert but also my first concert ever, so I don't have much to compare actually. ^^' but I really liked the energy the band had on stage! toshiya even got so wild that he threw mike stand into the crowd! XD

It was forbidden to take any pictures of the concert, but here is a piccu of me and my friend wearing the t-shirts that we bought at the concert. XD

I wish they had a smaller size of my shirt, but they were all sold out so this one is a little big. And by the way, I got a new haircut about three weeks ago. It's kinda a new thing for me since I haven't had a hair short like this since I was around the age of 7-8. XD so alot of my friends were kinda surprised.



I found two clips of the que for the concert! The que was SOOOOO LONG! I read in the reports that the tickets was sold out, so it was probably around 2000 people there.

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