This movie (or at least, the pictures) owns me. I mean, the Ron/Minerva scene looks brilliant ("Where?")and dancing lessons for the Yule Ball? Nice idea. ;) Seeing another pick of Ron flinching in McGonagall's arms is too much for me now.
Naked!Nipples!Harry has caused some sqeeage throughout the fandom. To be honest, I didn't even notice them at first. But: Niiice. :D
The pic you can see in my icon? *swoons* Best thing ever.
This is interesting Theories like that, although not being based on strong facts, make me squeal and hope a bit. All those doom theories concerning Harry popping up after the release of HBP were a bit depressing, okay? No Longer!Horcrux!Harry gets my vote, but No!Hurcrux!Harry would be good too. ;)
iii. Can I be a bit snarky here? I'm not talking in general, but I came across an interesting "discussion" yesterday about the new (and older) GoF pics that were release. It really cracked me up. First they were complaining that there is way too much H/Hr in those pics ("wheeere is the canon?") and the lack of Ron, discussing 'the stupidity that is H/Hr'. Then, it elaborated into a brainless "There is too much Hermione in the movies!" (with quotes like "Is it Hermione and the Goblet of Fire or something?", "Don't forget about PoA! She was there all the time too!" and "OMG! She's freaking everywhere. I mean, she's even there in that tent after the First task!"). And they are supposed to like her? *snorts*
iv. Lost 2x02? <3 Brilliance. And finally we get something to happen (re: the hatch). I mean, pretty faces, good acting and promising events AREN'T the only things I hoped to see this time. Answers, please?
v. REC:
Bewitchment (Neville/Luna, NC-17) by
bryonyraven. Just what I needed today.
vi. I'm totally worrying about my
hhr_serendipity entry. Help! I haven't written much except for less than a drabble, and it is pure crap. Eh. BUT: Deadline got extended to 6th October. Whoo!
vii. Yesterday's
Name 5 reasons you want or don't want to see Serenity.
DON'T: I've never watched Firefly. *hides*
DO: About my whole flist is squealing about it, so it must be at least okay, right?
DON'T: Not much of a fan of Science Fiction. Meh.
DO: To check what the hype is about, really.
DON'T: I'm sick right now, and I don't want to go out in the chilly air. *lame*
viii. I'm reading "The Forest of Anticipation" by Hella Haasse. I've always wanted to read one of her pieces, and this is just magnificent. The life of Charles d'Orleans has never been so interesting before. ;)
ix. Still sick as hell. Ugh, the coughing has gotten worse and a short period of antibiotics doesn't work. I feel miserable.
x. We need something like
big_bang_hd but Harry/Hermione. Seriously. *ponders*
xi. I want pizza. NEED IT.