So I saw the specialist and she confirmed that it was very necessary for me to start taking medicines. I now realise there are many things I've suffered (symptoms) that were and are caused by that disease only. I thought it was just me, but it seemingly isn't. Some of them are the exhaustion (this has been going on quite some time), the muscle cramps, the sensitivity to cold and the menstrual problems (that last one not entirely, however, because I also have endometriosis, which they discovered when I had appendicitis - I'm taking a special pill for that at the moment). I feel like this all has explained a lot to me; those symptoms didn't weigh too hard on me, really, but I'm glad that I got an explanation and meds.
So, the pills. She gave me half dose for ten days, and then I should switch to full dose. Good. She said they should be helping a lot within two weeks. We'll see. :)
Argh, school has been fooling me around so much I couldn't post for a few days. My shedule! It's the most horrible thing I've ever experienced. All days (except for Monday and Wednesday), I have lessons 'til 16:45. Monday - so far- seems like the most 'okay' day, because I have a free hour first thing in the morning, and it's then followed by Dutch, History, German, NCZ and French. I'm pretty excited about my new subject (German) since languages are sort of my thing. It sounds frighteningly similar to Dutch, however, so that's not going to be easy (I mean, I'm sure I'm going to be talking half-Dutch in class and think I'm speaking perfect German). I'll post my shedule later today.
Anyway, most of my new teachers seem fine, and I really like my Maths one (finally!), so that's a good start. Let's hope this year gets better than the one before, because I don't want to be switching schools again. I see that I've made the right decision by doing so, because enthousiasm seems a lot more common here. Good. ;)
It's Wednesday already. Time flies. Always.