(no subject)

Aug 29, 2005 11:57

I've had thyroid problems since I was about nine. My mom took me to the hospital when I had a low fever for nearly two weeks, since I'm not particulary a person with fever or temperature. They discovered that I have the disease of Hashimoto, the most common form of thyroiditis. It is a type of auto-immune thyroid disease in which the immune system attacks and destroys the thyroid gland. The thyroid helps set the rate of metabolism - the rate at which the body uses energy. It prevents the gland from producing enough thyroid hormones for the body to work correctly. I never had to take medicines, since the changes and the fluctuations weren't drastic and I had no other symptoms besides the fever.

So we kept the disease in mind and checked it's status every time I did a blood test, and everything seemed okay. The thyroid itself got slower and slower each time, but they weren't drastic so my doctor didn't mention them.

Now, many years later, I got relatively low fever again. It's been going on for a couple of days now (since, um, Wednesday?), and I feel is exhaustion and muscle weakness. There are no other symptoms, so we did a blood test again to check it on Toxoplasmosis, iron and EBV. I got the results yesterday. And what do you think it is? The thyroid, of course.

Finally, things get moving and I got an appointment with a specialist this Wednesday. She may have to subscribe me medicines to prevent the thyroid from swelling and to let it function more normally.

This explains a lot to me, and I'm glad I got to get to see a specialist. I've had long periods of abnormal exhaustion (as the doctor called it) - as some of you may know- for quite some time, which he tried to explain with the low iron rate in my blood. This could've affected it too, but it couldn't cause it fully, and he knew that too. We never really considered it was caused by this since I didn't have any other symptoms like drastic weight gain or something like that. I'm glad I know, finally, and that I know there are treatments. I feel a bit better already. :)


(Harry/Hermione, R) by goldy_dollar.
Beware of the Dragon (Harry/Hermione, PG) by inell.
Words (Harry/Hermione, PG) by ladylisse.
Choice (Harry/Hermione, PG) by msgenevieve.
Grounded in the Stars (Harry/Luna, NC-17) by florahart.
Tears and Memories (Harry/Luna, G) by inell.
Weather Patterns (Neville/Luna, NC-17) by sioniann.

I'm reading The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex by Darwin. I'm glad I could get my hands on that book because it's a jungle here to find quality books/novels beside all the newly released bestsellers. I'm on page 277 and I'm loving it so far. <3

Off to get some rest now. :)

health, recs, books, darwin

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