Of course I've read novels before that have translation issues or where the way it's translated just doesn't feel right, but I've never... *sighs*
I was reading this wonderful book by Yasunari Kawabata (Snow Country - Dutch version) and everything seemed fine. But about two-thirds into the story suddenly it seemed like the translator had delegated the work to a 7-year-old crack addict. I mean, every single sentence had horrifying mistakes in it from that point on. I came across a lot of words that don't even exist (and a couple of which I really wouldn't know where he got them from since they don't even look like anything Dutch or any other language, for that matter). There were at least 10 incorrect words per page, and if there weren't any grammatical or spelling mistakes the structure of the sentence could at least be called very, very wrong. And I paid $20 for that book! o.O
Hearing about all of the terrible news concerning
Hurricane Dean, I hope all of you that might be in the area are safe. ♥ I know of at least one person on my flist who was already evacuated and who is back home in England.
I'm enjoying all of the DH discussion on
read_hp. I've really missed that because of all this LJ drama. And yay for new
happily married!H/Hr smut by
avonlea_dreamer! *melts*
I've also begun posting prompts again over at
hphg100. New challenge is
AND I wrote and submitted my
hermione_ldws entry for this week. *iz productive*