the Drama Tag has been pulled, ladies and gentlemen

Mar 20, 2009 20:49

Argh, everything sucks at the minute.  Usually it pisses me off when people say that as it's a gross over-exaggeration, but I actually mean it.  There is not one aspect of my life that hasn't gone bad in some way.

Work sucks.  I mean like I was honestly daydreaming about quitting today.  Bronwyn left a couple of days early, and I can't say that I blame her.  Yesterday it was just me and Dan (the manager) in for the evening.  I'd walked in at four and started to say "Hey, how come Bron - " and was cut off my Dean wildly gesturing to shut my damn fool mouth and don't say a word.  So I left it, hoping that someone explain to me what the hell was going on.  Bronwyn had only said on monday evening over msn that 'she wouldn't be in for her last day, and there was a good reason why,' but didn't seem to want to elaborate.
Everyone had left, and it was just me and Dan there.  I didn't want to ask, because I didn't know if he'd be angry or something.  He tells me what happened.  Apparently they'd been getting closer over the past few weeks, except suddenly she starts to get all creepy-obsessive and stalkerish, and Dan got pretty scared by all this.  And since they weren't going out or anything, she didn't have any right to be texting him complaining when he was just going out with Tom etc, so Dan had said that he just wanted to see each other at work and then she'd be leaving in about a week
And then Bronwyn found out that Dan'd slept with Sophie on Saturday evening, and after that apparently she was sending loads of texts and saying that she never wanted to see him again.  Dan said that he felt bad about what happened, but that he didn't want everyone to see him as the bad guy, and people like Dean and John believed him even though apparently 'all anyone ever sees of Bronwyn is the sweet, innocent side.'
At the time I mostly believed him - i mean, i knew it was a biased version, and some things didn't scan.  I mean, I knew that Bronwyn wouldn't be a stalker, and I knew there were things in this story that didn't make sense.  But hey, Dan wouldn't lie to my face about what happened.  When he'd finished he seemed upset, and I was like "Poor Bronwyn." and then I explained that even though I knew it wasn't what he wanted to hear, that they were both my friends and I didn't want to talk behind their backs or support one over the other etc.

When I got home Bronwyn was immediately talking to me.  It was phrased as an innocent little queston; "how was work?" but it was pretty obvious what she wanted to talk about.  She kept asking me what he'd said, and I told her that I didn't really want to talk about it because they were both my friends etc.  The thing is, I know I was a little short with her, because I assumed that her version would be roughly the same as Dan's, just biased in the other way.  And I really didn't want to talk about it.  But I felt much more guilty talking about Dan to Bronwyn than I did about her to Dan.  Looking back, does that mean I sympathised with him?  I guess it's because i'd only heard his version of events.

On Friday Lindsay was in.  Now Lindsay is a gossip.  If you tell her something, she will tell everyone else, even if you're in the conversation she will tell your story for you.  And she will sensationalise it massively.  And she has a very different story of what happened.  To be perfectly honest, I didn't believe her.  I didn't think Dan could be that bad.
I asked Bronwyn later - when I first saw her I felt so guilty for not being more supportive.  What she says is that actually they'd been kind of seeing each other for a while.  He'd been telling her than he loved her, and that she was perfect - there's evidence for this, Lindsay has seen texts.  He'd told her that when he and Kirsty broke up, they'd be together.  They'd had sex, which I know would be a big thing for Bronwyn.  (Hmm.  Possibly I could phrase that better?  Whatever, it's been a long, sucky day.)  And then Dan sleeps with some other girl that he'd only just met.  And she found out from John, who didn't know about them because they'd been keeping it secret [as a side-note:  poor john]
So poor Bronwyn feels absolutely heart-broken, and used.

I don't know.  Maybe there's some kind of middle ground where the truth actually is.  That's what usually happens in these situations, isn't it?  I'm way more inclined to believe Bronwyn though.  I'd told Dan that I wouldn't hate him, but.....jesus, I don't hate him.  I just want to grab him by the shoulders and shake him shouting "What the hell did you go and do something so abysmally stupid for?!"  He had Bronwyn.  He supposedly loved her.  It was some random girl that by all accounts from ex-boyfriends is a psycho.  And he keeps bragging about it!  He keeps going on about how she's sixteen, and how he started talking to her on facebook etc etc ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

I can't believe I believed him.  Can't believe I didn't notice.  Can't believe that he would do that.  What's that?  Melodramatic?  Me?  Never.

drama tag, work

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