Some quotes I wrote...
I was trapped alone
in such a monotonous world
no way of escape in sight
you offered me the moon
as we climbed the ladder of love
to the heavens and above
but I was scared of heights
and when I slipped
you weren't there to catch me
like you promised
It isn't safe out there in that world.
You complimented her hair and I went to the salon to get mine re-done.
Before I could say hello, you had said the final good-bye, and left,
some excuse stinging the air behind you...
I was left with the afternoon plans, a bag of cookies and
a broken heart.
She would have loved to ask why he couldn't be there,
what plans came up last minute,
what time he'd be home...
but everyone knows
that's jumping to the end faster.
I'll do whatever it is you want
Just don't look at me that way
As though you're sick of me
I desperately try and ignore
that secret glance that passes
between you and her,
but I can't lie to my brain,
even if my heart accepts it.
It doesn't want to be torn again.
So naive she was
too busy writing love poems about him
when he was with her friend
the secret smiles they shared the next morning
she thought it was because
they were happy for her.
friends + comments = LOVE!