May 14, 2008 06:10
So...Day 2 didnt go so well. I totally fubbed up...ahh!! At about 4p, I couldnt handle feeling hungry anymore, so I ate some leftovers of chinese noodles. Soon after, I got the biggest headache evah! *grumble* My daughter has a role in the school play of Grease, and last night was opening night. A pretty big deal for her, to get a main role in her first play, and she did fantastic!! Proud mama here :D Of course we had to celebrate, so I took her out for ice cream afterwards. *cracked again!* On the plus side though, I drank nearly all my concoction, plus I drank a lot of water least 12+ C combined, and I can say, my dehydration problem is over. I havent been in the bathroom that much since I was pregnant...hah!
All the same, when I woke up this morning I weighed mysef, and I lost 2.4 lbs. I know thats just water weight at this point, plus that it would have been much better if I hadnt eaten all that yesterday and stuck to the cleanse, but its still motivating to see *something* happening. Which is a nice change of pace.
On a tsk, tsk note...I havnt done my salt water flush yet... Im getting ready to do it as soon as Im finished writing! Also, since Im confessing! I ate on my first day too. I had a salad with my bf over lunch. *tears* and today wont be a no food day either, cause my mom is coming into town for kiddos second night of the play, and Ill be taking her out for dinner.
Im not doing so good at this am I? LoL! I chose a really bad week to start really...but Im still going to keep going and keep it to a salad again when I go out tonight and keep doing everything else. After today, Ill have no reason to not be able to stick to it...and then just add 3 more days to my cleanse to make up for these first 3 days.