Jun 10, 2004 00:07
oh man another almost dying story. haha 3 in a row im on a roll<3<3
okay so today. i went to church which was a blast <3 i had so much fun with britney lee alcorn and ryan brink they are sweet kids. and then these kids were playin airsoft (its like paintball but with lil pelets instead of paint and it hurts more) and i wanted to play but then they shot one at me and i about cried haha wat a girl. :\ but then i went over to kelseys house. and they have this thing where you like run but your on a machine but its not a tredmil i dn its weird. but i have super bad asthma but i was liek ehh watever! so i got on it and i was like wat shud i do so i just put it for 5 minutes jsut regular. and i ran 2miles and i was like ehh not too bad. and then i was like wat shud i do next and i was liek the weight loss program haha cas im a loser. so yea it says 30 minutes and i didnt know how to change it so i went for that. oh man i did miles in 30 minutes. i could not breathe afterwords. i was sweating like no other. and i didnt have my inhailer ither. so i was like dying. and in the meantime my burn like broke open and it was hurting so bad so i wanted to cry haha but i couldnt breathe for like ever but hey i lost like 250 calories haha thats pretty sweet lol i dn wat calories do but hey i dont have as many anymore! :) yep thats its i almost died. cas i couldnt breathe.
nite1:brian coates flipped me onto the concrete. passed out.
nite2:jeremy capan axidentally made my leg burn like hardcore. almost cried.
nite3:i ran 9 miles and could not breathe at all. almosed passed out and cried. haha wat a loser